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Starvation - Again
I hit Starvy again today from my tube using the usual buggers & leeches and medium sinking line. I thought maybe the fish would have ducked for cover from the busy weekend but they were very cooperative. I fished from 6:30 until I got blown off at 2:30. I managed to pick up the usual Starvation variety pack, one very skinny brown, three walleye from 17" to 21", a few rainbows from 16" - 20", and a grundle of smallmouth from 10" - 16".

The water temperature was 57-59 degrees and the visibility in the water of about 7' - 8'. The reservoir level is still hanging about 86% full and not changing much right now. Most of the fish were caught in water 8' - 18' deep. parallel to the shore line. Most folks had gone home from the holiday weekend but there were still a few that were just packing up to go.

It was another fun day on the water but I couldn't convince anyone to join me, so to bad for them.[Wink]
Looks like a great outing, alot better than my Memorial Day, thanks for the report.
Every time I read your report I want to get out there. Maybe next week...

I'm especially impressed by the size of the smallmouths. Why aren't there any 15-16 inch smallmouths in Deer Creek?
[quote _6x_]
I'm especially impressed by the size of the smallmouths. Why aren't there any 15-16 inch smallmouths in Deer Creek?[/quote]

I'm sorry I can't answer that about Deer Creek.

The interesting thing about the Starvation smallmouth is that I'm picking a lot of them up in open water. There are still some along the rocky shoreline and off of points but I'm getting just as many out in the middle of the bay.

The one ten incher I caught yesterday had a rubber worm sticking out of it's mouth and still wanted something else to eat.[Smile]
There are small mouth in Deer Creek that size. It is tough to get through the smaller fish to get to the bigger ones. Plus it helps to know where they hang out so that you can avoid most of the smaller fish.

Smallmouth like the rocks but they like food even more. This time of the year the will be wherever they can find some food and will hang out where a lot of the bass fisherman never even try because they think that they have to work over the rocky shorelines. When I have told people where and how I have been catching smallies they look at me like I'm stupid but that's ok less pressure on the areas that I fish.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
[quote _6x_]Every time I read your report I want to get out there. Maybe next week...

I'm especially impressed by the size of the smallmouths. Why aren't there any 15-16 inch smallmouths in Deer Creek?[/quote]

[#0000FF]The smallmouths in Deer Creek finished eating up all the food...crawdads and baby perch...a long time ago. Ditto for Jordanelle...minus the crawdads. Never has been a significant population of 'dads.

They are on their way to doing the same in Starvation. Sizes have gone down in Starvy since they cleaned up the last of the chubs and the perch numbers have dropped.
Thanks for the responses to my question! Sorry to divert the thread a bit. I guess I need to get out of my dogmatic search for smallies around the rocks.

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