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Utah Lake, Thank You BFTer's
My 12 year old son loves to fish. I love to fish, but he REALLY loves to fish. He has been bugging me for a bit to take him out to Utah Lake and try for those 36 inch Catfish that everyone on this site are always talking about. He has been asking me for quite a while to take him.

So I read a bunch on this site to see what I needed to do. I read TubeDude's catfish article that was a wealth of information and I looked through a bunch of other posts to see what I could figure out. My son had caught a couple of white bass there last week when the rest of us were playing on the Kayaks so we took those for bait and some hot-dogs that a neighbor friend suggested we try.

We headed out this morning and right when I got to Lindon Harbor I realized I forgot my boat key. Luckily I only live 15 minutes away. 30 minutes later I was on the water. I met up with my neighbor south of the bubbleup and after a short instruction on how to thread the dogs on a treble hook we et down an anchor 50 yards from him and started to fish.

Wow. My kids are addicted. We fished from 7:30 to 11 and just stopped counting how many we caught. It was so much fun. The cats would take the hotdogs or the white bass meat and it was a blast watching the smaller kids reels them in. My 8 year old daughter caught the biggest fish of the day and the biggest fish in our family now. She was sure that it was one of those 36 inchers that I have told her are in UL, but when we got home and measured it it was 26 inches. Still beat out the 24 inch rainbow that my son pulled out of Highland Glen pond a couple of years ago.

Tonight we are trying to fry some up (thanks TD for the recipe) and tomorrow we will put some in the smoker and then see what way we like to eat them best.

A big thanks to my neighbor if he reads this thread and to all of you who have given a little bit of information here and there about catfishing in Utah Lake. The experience was great and my kids are already asking when we can go back.
The best trips are when the kids have fun.

I'm going through boat loss withdrawal now that I sold my boat to my son, but it all goes away when he sends me pictures of the grandkids holding fish and Smiles from ear to ear.

Well done, very well done.
Outstanding ! get you kids hooked on fishing, good chance they won't get hooked on bad stuff. I still have some of my best fishing trips with my kids, and they are 44 to 22 years old [fishon]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
I hope to keep fishing which my kids when they are parents themselves. I think we met last year at Willard. One of us was going an the other was coming. I don't remember which but it was my first year fishing Willard and your info was very valuable in catching wiper. Best fighting fish ever.
I have a 2 year old grandson that I look forward to fishing with in a few years.
I'm glad whatever I told you about Willard worked out. Willard can be a different body of water every time you get on it, sure has been rough on me this year so far. 16 trips and 14 skunks [:/] but that's what keeps me going back and trying.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder

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