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FishingwithRusty, chick, lm, 0722&23, Sam the Dog
got out off and on through the weekend, caught a few fish deep saturday morning on a worm early had one about 4.5lbs. after breakfast went back out and fished shallow for a bit. caught a couple to include one about 6 flipping wood cover. <br /><br />got back out yesterday afternoon and took Collin to try and let him catch some white perch and have some fun but he preferred to play with the baits i had in the bottom of the boat(he's 2 Smile dropped him off for be time and fished til dark. there right before dark i got on a school of sih on a shellbed and wrecked em with a cb. biggest was about 4lbs but its fun to catch em every cast Smile<br /><br />fun stuff, fish everywhere Smile

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