07-29-2017, 09:00 AM
A great trip for us Tuesday and I got a nice bass out of the deal. Nothing as rewarding as catching a big bass on your birthday emoParty. I&#39;ve shared a few birthday trips over the years on the forum.<br /><br />We caught almost all of our fish from 1:00 pm until 5:00. Double and single drop-shot rigs with Berkley Gulp minnows -- &quot;live&quot; medium shiners and green pumpkin &quot;shaky head&quot; worms. Boat control was a little tricky with a slight north wind in the same direction as the current but hard work paid off. The fish were caught mostly in 18-22 feet. Water temperature 87-89 degrees when I glanced at it a time or two.<br /><br />We caught about every species in the lake with quite a few &quot;double-ups&quot;. A little pic heavy and a few of our bigger fish including some slab crappie aren&#39;t shown as we got our fish back in the water ASAP. All fish were released. You know it&#39;s been a good day when your thumb looks like it&#39;s been in a meat grinder from holding fish. I had one particular upset channel cat work it over good.<br /><br />I got B-day gift cards to Academy Sports and BPS from Debbie. emoDance