07-30-2017, 09:00 AM
Busy so just now posting about a short trip I managed to take on Saturday the 22nd of July. The plan was to get out early and fish for a few hours and then pick up the wife for some R & R on the water. Got to HBSP after stopping to fuel up around 7:00am and was happy to find that there was still a boat trailer parking space open (but only 2!). I launched the Skeeter with no idea where I would start. I'm still learning about the FX21 so I decided I would not stay in Harrison Bay / Wolftever like I normally do. I haven't fished up the lake in a long time so I made the short run to Soddy Creek and fished there. It got hot very quickly and the water temps started out at 88 degrees. I caught 4 bass (2 where spots) all on finesse worms from 4' to 15' deep. I had two more come off right at the boat. Nothing big but a fun morning. I headed back to HBSP to pick Connie up at 11:00 so I probably fished 3 1/2 hours or so. There were a lot of bass boats out with most people fishing main lake points and drop-offs. I went in a slough and fished wood and rock on steep banks. The Skeeter and 250 SHO impresses me more each time I get out. After picking up Connie we had lunch and went out to just relax. It was too hot to relax with a heat index around 100 degrees. The water was so warm it wasn't much relief and we decided to head in around 4:30 that evening. I don't know what the answer is but there is a real need for more parking at HBSP, I imagine the pleasure boating crowd is really frustrated when they show up to launch and all the boat trailer parking is taken up by fishermen emoBang . It's pretty frustrating for me since I'd rather not show up at 5:00am on my day off to beat the tournament guys. More parking and even another ramp is really needed with the popularity of the Chick these days emoParty .