07-31-2017, 09:00 AM
Derek called me and asked if I wanted to go one more time before I moved. emoTongue Had to go no matter how much it rained. Last one ended up being a pretty good one for us. Lots of bass but not a whole lot of size. Had one six, one four and a solid three we would have weighed in but when Shane said they had over 18 lbs and then AJ said it was a winner take all we did not weigh them. emoBooHoo I think it is safe to say we at least had 12 and a half to 13 lbs. May have actually been a little better but nothing close to Shane and Chris. I think from what I saw we would have had second if there had been a second. emoGoofy <br /><br />Boated somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 to 35 bass in the boat. Derek did have one other big bass pull off on him, never got to see it but it had him locked down and rod doubled. Got a couple turns of the handle and it just came undone. emoDoh Culled a couple others that would have been around three so our best five would have been pushing 19 lb or so. Not a bad trip to end my Chick fishing on. emoThumbsup Today Derek and I caught bass on blades, cranks and shakeys. Just about rained on us the whole time. There at the end when the rain finally did stop the play boats started coming out in force so it was time to stop anyways. <br /><br />Have really enjoyed fishing this area over the last 13 years, it has been fun, wishing you all great luck and tight lines to all. emoToast Jmax