09-29-2017, 09:00 AM
I spent two days fishing with longtime clients Bob Locke, his wife Susan and their friend, Richard Kee. Friday Susan was &quot;The Catfish Queen,&quot; besting Bob and Richard on numbers and size. <br /><br />On Saturday Susan stayed home and let the just the boys come out and play. It&#39;s been a while since I had the opportunity to shoot video of a big fish battle. We&#39;ve caught others but I often have to &quot;coach&quot; rather than shoot video. But Saturday Bob and Richard had it all under control without me so I was able to document Bob&#39;s &quot;personal best&quot; catfish ever: https://youtu.be/_Fwg6uqBl8o<br /><br />Sadly, we had two other trophy cats break off. I apparently had a rod with some #40 lb. line that had gone bad. #badguide But over the two days we caught a total of 30 cats with several very nice &quot;kickers.&quot;<br /><br /> #luvmyjob #lifeisgood #trophyfish #rivermonster<br /><br />