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New To Canada Goose Hunting

I decided to try goose hunting recently. I have been trying for weeks on a friends property frequently. However I see other hunters getting geese nearby and I am getting shots off, but I am not getting anything. I wanted to post what I was doing and see if I am doing anything wrong.

I am using steel shot in a 12 gauge with a turkey choke, (My modified choke accidentally got sent to a relative in Utah when I sold my rifle, I will switch when I get it back,) I have many feeder decoys and one active decoy and I set them all 10 feet apart in a field, and I sit in my blind waiting. I do not use a call. When geese fly over, they seem to fly very low and pass over the decoys like they were not there. When they are in range and I do get a shot off, I miss. I think my choke is too tight.

That is what I am doing. I am switching chokes when I get my modified back. Other than that, is there anything I am doing wrong? Is there any way for me to improve?

Any help will be appreciated.

I’m not an expert, but we have killed quite a few geese. I’ll tell you what we do. First off, I don’t think it’s safe to shoot a turkey choke with steel or even a full lead for that matter. I would stop using it. We don’t equally spread our decs, but rather kind of clump them randomly leaving a hole for the birds to land in. Always set up for them to approach over open field and into the wind. This does not freak them out, and they can land. We call, mostly to get their attention and stop when they see our spread. The most critical thing is to be where they want to be. If there’s no feed in your field, they will pass by. Usually you can get a look, but then your pass shooting. I would scout where they are, and find permission. If your where they are going, a couple decoys and some patients are all you need. Most important, hide, hide, hide and don’t track the birds with head movement. Good luck- I’m jealous of any goose hunt.

Thank you for all the help, I appreciate it. I agree with you. Steel shot with a turkey choke is NOT safe to do. I also agree about the food thing. There is not much where I am hunting at, but other hunters get geese here all the time, I dont know why. I will take your advice.

Thank you,

PM me, i'll go with you, I have tons of decoys and blinds.... I'll show you some tricks,
J got his first goose 2 evenings ago....... It was fun hunting with you.

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