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Huntington Injury repot and a big Cutt
oh what a day ice fishing on Huntington.. we got to the lake about 8:20 ish was going to meat Kyle there at 8 so running a bit late. got down on the ice and there is 6 to 8 inch's of drifted snow on the ice and going is harder then i though it would be.. and Kyle had already went to the other side of the lake. lol darn i guess we need to walk to the other side.. well after much huffing and puffing, you know 9000 feet and all.. we got there and set up to fish, well tried to anyway.. this is where stuff really went to shit kind-a.. my buddy Dave pulled 2 heavy sleds out with ice huts and gear in i pulled my sled out, (this we will come back to) well i go over and talk to Kyle and ask if i can use his most excellent electric auger.. he say's yeah go for it.. oh that's great all i brought was the spud bar.. and the ice is now about 10 inchs solid blue ice.. that's a lot to chip out.. so i punch my holes and set up with out a ice hut. my buddy Dave go's over and starts to try and get hid new Quick-fish set up i got my back to him so have no idea what he is doing.. then i here him ask Kyle if he knew anything about them hut's.. i hear yeah i had one for a while let me help ya.. and as we all know no good deed go's unpunished right! so i still have my back to them the wind was bad at the time.. but i hear them struggling with the hut then i hear a snapping sound and the sound of a stick hitting a watermelon A loud OW!! and i look over to see blood all over Kyle's face and looks like a big gash down his face.. so as im trying to decide if i need to run over and help i see Dave's hut finally open up for him! as a big gust of wind dose it for him.. well to his surprise he was not holding on to it he was checking out Kyle. well now his hut is taking off down the lake so Dave take's off after it like he think's he's a teen age buck he takes 2 or 3 steps (in one place mind you) then promptly falls on his face hard , well that what i thought any way. ended up he feel on his knee and kind-a bad. lucky for dave there was a young buck there that did run his hut down. so with in 30 seconds both my buddy's are messed up and a long way from the trucks.. Damn this is not starting out all that good.. but it was not as bad as it could have bee.. Kyle got wiped in the face by the tent pole to brake the skin and spray blood around but was really not so bad he wanted to go.. and Dave Hobbled around got his hut and said i'm fishing.. so we stayed and fished... fishing was slow lot's of fish coming through but not hitting.. we all managed to catch fish so no skunk on anyone.. i did have a first big Cutt out of Huntington yesterday about 3 1/2 to 4 lbs.. everything else was 14 to 18 inch tigers.. well it comes time to go and Dave say's your going to have to pull the other sled in i can't.. i'm oh crud this sucks! and it did all the way back to the truck and up the hill it sucked.. lol but we lived to fish another day and can just be glad that not every trip go's that way! lol
Nice Cutt'! good story, glad everyone made it out in one piece.
Hey Ron,
Thanks for a great story and nice report... Seems like some trips are like that... Glad no one was permanently harmed... Nice fish too... really pretty fish... later J
Hey Ron,
At least no one died! That's a very nice cutt. There really are not many of them in that reservoir. Hope to catch up with you on the ice this winter. Maybe that will be when (and if) Joe's Valley freezes this years.

Did you happen to notice if anyone had Snowmobiles or ATVs on the ice?

Nice fish by the way. I've never caught a cutthroat out of there.
I saw a few snowmobiles on the ice a few days ago at Huntington (Mammoth) Reservoir. The ice is plenty thick and there is enough snow on top to make it easy sledding.

Perfect. Thanks.
Lol, great story. I could picture the whole thing in my mind. You guys are troopers. Nice work on the cutt. I've never caught one in there.

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