Out of state good ice, if need be! But, I hope we will have a good ice fishing season here in Utah.
Well, I meant the same latest addition you know about as opposed to a new latest addition.
It's fun to drive. I've been pushing it hard. Just tonight I lost traction launching it up from a steep hillcrest curve that I've been playing with that's not a public road and has no traffic. I need to watch out for that! Yep, even with the best tires, there is no traction at all when you're airborne! My intended turn didn't take effect until the wheels touched down on the pavement and then it easily made the necessary hard turn.
That reminded me of my days of skiing the moguls in ways no one would dare while appropriately singing the scarecrow song from Wizard of Oz. Good thing I'm not fragile!
Nothing new since our previous conversations in the group. It's the car with the snow tires.
If I need to drive out of state to ice fish, then I will. Lakes are freezing up somewhere. That wasn't practical with my old van.
I'll also drive to a coast for surf fishing and I did buy the sand tires, too. They have an amazing large footprint.
I can't think of anything else I will need in equipment, but I will find a surf fishing guide.
Still the tracked vehicles you have fun with are best for off-road challenging deep soft snow. I'm trying to have some of that fun with the vehicle that drives on the road to get to fun places being the same vehicle I drive off-road once there.
If I'm wrong, it does have a trailer hitch.
I expect, with my inexperience, I will learn what I can and can't do with it in snow, so I have a come along and a tow strap and full size square end shovel and plenty of food in the back and the fitness to do a lot of shoveling. I'll learn what's possible and what isn't.