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willard at week from today anyone still interested
want to go do some night time ice fishing at willard 2/18/04 anyone still interested ? if so sound off on the time you would like to meet i would like to get there while there is still some light to make it a little easier to get set up i was thinking of meeting at smith and edwards about 430 pm ? and go from there
[font "Times New Roman"]Sounds good to me.[/font]
I think I could swing that. I have the gear, I just need to borrow an auger to drill a hole.
[font "Arial"][red][size 2] Do any of you have any idea where to go at Willard? I need to check the calender but I might just be interested. I will get back to you on this.[/size][/red][/font]

[font "Arial"][#ff0000][size 2] AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
hi chad if you can make it your more then welcome to use my auger as far as were we will end up probably some where on the west side while the south would be a shorter drive it is very shallow and would require a very far walk out to get to fishable water i'll being posting another tread this up coming sun. or mon. for another sound off hope you guys can make it
Kinda new here. what would we be fishing for and and what kind of bait or tackle woulkd I use. I've fish for wipers and walleye in the summer but have never been on the ice there.

Tight Lines
hi shawn welcome to the site fishing at willard has been very slow we are hoping to go out and put some laterns over the water ( or in ) and get some shad under us and thus some walleye and wiper your more then welcome to come along
I might be interested but have never targeted wipers or walleye. What type of rig-up do you have to use to catch these critters.
I'm still planning on coming out there for a few hours but I'm not sure what time I'll get there, I should have a better idea by tuesday afternoon.
As far as what to use, the normal ice fishing gear and jigs will work but you will need line that is 12 lbs or so in case a wiper picks up your jig. The water is murky so I plan on using fireline on one pole and 12 lb mono on the other, Willard is a two pole lake. For walleye I use fireball jigs in a bright color, wipers will bite the same thing but I'm going to try a flying or is it a jigging Rapala. For bait I'll be using minnows and nightcrawlers but I think you could catch perch with meal worms. Hope to see you guys there. WH2
So I need to get a 2nd pole permit right?
If that is what you want to tell your wife, that is fine with me, ha,ha. It gives you an advanage because your odds go up but you don't need one unless you want one for some open water wiper fishing later this year. I buy the second pole permit every year because I fish Willard so much but there are several lakes and rivers that you could use that second pole on. WH2

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