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Talk about undereducated and highly emotional... All gun owners need to read this.. [url ""][/url]
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Hey Bearclaw, thanks for sharing that with us. I looks like the next step is for them to try and go nationwide with this campaign. I will be glad to shoot this one down. They are always saying that guns kill people. We all know that it is the people that kill people.
All these people are associated somehow with the Sierra Club and PETA. They try to close down all of our fishing spots and then turn around and mess up our abilities to hunt as well.
I hope that others that read this will express their feelings on this issue as well.
Happy Fishing/Hunting buddy.
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[crazy] Are these people born stupid , or do they learn to be stupid !!!!!
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It may just be a newly acquired talent that they are showing off.[pirate]
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i gues he didn't read the artical all the way . the author , michelle is apposed to the gun controll proposals , it is the " mayor of new york " that proposes this issue .
i am sure thAT his going into office oath stated that he protect the rights of the public , with that said i feel that he should step down from public service .
people like that have no usefull purpose in society .
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Some people just want to mess it up for the rest of us. The law abiding citizen who would join the military and defend the country with their lives, if need be, so these people can have their freedom, who may have never picked up or shot a gun to begin with.
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well i say we boycot all areas of service that dont want a noncriminal to protect themsevles,and they dont see my rights now they dont see our money.,how about we all make a list of progun companys and gun haters companys and boybot the gun hater to see if we can get our self respect back and show everyone its the criminals fault not the everyday common gun owner and we are not going to take it anymore.....
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A couple of gun hating companies. KMART would,nt sell guns in Florida. And McDonalds turn in a toy gun get a free kids meal campaign.
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I heard that came-apart (kmart) quit selling most sporting goods (guns, ammo & fishing gear) in some locations due to preasure from Rosie O'donnell when she was selling her products to them. Wonder if thats true? Made me quit shopping there.
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kmart and mcdonalds on the list any others to add well be great and we well see how many lose money change there stance.