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bricknbass, Chickamauga hospital CFF#7 first place, Large mouth, 5/26/18, Billyc
We changed our planes the night before and started where we hadn't fished shallow 1 to 5 fow recently thinking that they just had to be but guess what NOT lol. Baffled us. There was active all around us but not one bite oh well ! So full speed ahead captain. Next spot we started in around 14 fow and low and behold Billy figured out how to shake it just right to trigger a flurry of keepers Billy had what he felt was a big fish on a crank bait but it hung up after about 10 cranks of the reel so that set the mood for a Lil while Not Good . So we proceeded on to the next spot one short Fish . Next spot someone was on it next spot some one was on it next spot some one was on it and have only seen these boats drive by in the past alot of binocular fishing going on now days but oh well still gotta figure out how to catch the bigger Fish and not just the keepers lol. So of we went yet again. Ol bronzeback45 was on a spot having fun as always headbandin some heavy metal. So on we went found some on top and out deep and started culling fast we pondered leave and coming back but decided to absolutely destroy the school of fish to the point that they moved out to suspend in 30 ft over 50 fow figured out how to play that game with a swim jig fooled them good with that but only keeper. Nothing to cull with. That got old so full speed ahead again to several spots but nothing passed dd22 and waved oohoi mate and kept going stopped at another spot got um Fish after Fish. Love it when you know where when and how. But as so often in the cff tx Billy smokes a huge Fish. Can't even turn the handle and wraps around something Fish is still on for several minutes but just wouldn't go the way it needed to so Ol Captain F A lol said he was going to sink the boat with only 20 min left but he didn't so that was a plus. It get frustrating when you think the opportunity to win is all but gone twice. It sucks. But it was an awesome day to say the least. No giants caught but we had some decent Fish to weigh in. And finish out for the win with only 12.99 lbs which was shocking with the group of good fishermen we have and as always thanks to the cff committee for the hard work yall do. Caught Fish from 10 to 50 fow worms jigs and cranks but no top water which was a downer hard work pays off when you can find someone that fish's they same way and you both can figure out what needs to happen = right place right time and what they want. Not what you want to use. Looking forward to the night tx oh and thanks again Seth Coleman for the biscuits lmao. About 7:30 am . Thought you might had got me good but the belly hurt went away so no harm no foul lol

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