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Lincoln Beach 6/8/18
This is a red-letter day for me. First of all I had the chance to meet a couple of veteran BFT members and catfish contest giants. I had arranged to go out with Ice_sled to try to catch some cats and see if we could bump our scores up. When I pulled up he was talking with another guy who had just launched. I thought he looked familiar and sure enough it was BLK. I guess he recognized me from my profile picture. He went on down the lake looking for that three-footer and Ice_sled and I started out drifting down along the orchards.

He was picking up a few cookie-cutters while I was getting a couple of bumps but no hookups. We agreed that I should try putting on his style rig and after that things started happening for me. I never came close to catching up with him as he kept pulling them in like a machine. The second reason it is a red-letter day is that I caught lots of fish, doubling the number of cats I have caught to date. I was like a kid, swearing that each one was a monster, but they sure fought over their weight class. When we called it a day around noon I had boated 11 and flubbed quite a few more. I caught my best yet, a 24.5"er. Ben caught some bigger ones, but it wasn't the day he would top any of those he has already posted. We used a lot of different baits and they hit on all of them. They really loved his not-so-secret home made concoction. I'll give you a hint: it's red and juicy and smells real good. Really.

So I met more of my incremental goals. I surpassed 70 points and I caught 10 fish in one outing. And it was all due to the gracious help of my new friend. This is starting to get real fun (which I heard was the objective). I know that my bragging rights probably seem pretty puny to some of you right now but I've only just begun to fight.

If you ever have a chance to hang out with Ice_sled you'll see just what a gentleman he is. I'm richer for having spent a day with him. He showed me a lot of good catfishing techniques and I guess I'm catchinon.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Thanks Catchinon that was a nice compliment. I also enjoyed the day also. Just hoped to find a biggin but that is fishing. We’ll hit it again.
It was good to meet you Catchinon, and always good to chat with Ice_Sled. Catcarsen and I had a good day as well but the sun beat us off the water about 10:00. We caught cats consistently all morning on every bait we tried. Fish-of-the-day was a 27 incher Carsen caught -- no help because he already has three 27 inchers on the board.

Time to take a few days off to let the crowds and the weather settle down a bit. I have been chasing that illusive cat five days this week so I welcome a few days to get re-acquainted with my wife.

The addiction will beckon again soon and I will resume the chase then.

Fish on.

I sure wish I had shaken hands with Catcarsen too so some of that 27" curse could have rubbed off on me. But I'll get there before too long and he'll bust a really big one any time now.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

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