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second best day
Been looking forward to this day for a week. Couldn't be better.Well, maybe catching could have been faster but I'm not complaining.

First best day was last year. I took all the contraptions out of the banana boat to make room for a passenger (my 6 year old grand daughter) she was able to catch our limit of cats that day. I can still see her battling the fish as the tip of the rod kept getting closer and closer to the water all the time I'm loving the expressions on her face and then she says it's slipping it's slipping. Darned if I was going to take the rod from her. I just gently warned her not to let go of the rod. Ya just can't beat the giggles and excitement of a kid.

Second best day was today. Again we cleaned out the yak and headed out to Willard south marina. Got on the water some where around 0900. The wind was blowing just enough to get me wondering if it was the right thing to be doing. We continued as planed, slow trolling as we moved to the north. The wind calmed and I calmed. It took us about an hour before before she hooked up and then it started all over again. The rod kept getting closer to the water but she never let on that it was too much. After a bit she convinced me that the barbie rod would catch a fish. It did and she was happy about that. She kept with it until she broke off then she went back to the longer rod. A couple of times she said her arms and hands were hurting, I asked her if I should catch the next one and she would have nothing to do with that.

It started getting uncomfortably warm and both of us were getting hungry and I was getting tired of paddling so we headed in. She needed a couple more for a limit when she got another then an other. That made eight. It was 1330 when we got to the ramp.

A fun day that every one should get to experience.

Great report Richard. I can hardly wait til my grandson is that age and can go out with me in the TinCan.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Nice report Richard, sounds like a great day... J
Wow, how can you beat a day like that -- way to go.....those grandkids just don't stay little long youngest is getting ready to join the Air Force....lots of good hunting and fishing memories.....enjoy 'em while you got their attention!!....

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