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First Admendment violation overturn
The Russian supported President own appointed Federal Judge upheld the First Admendment. Nice to see someone that supports our country and not just a hack that will destroy our country. Putin is pissed he’s not getting his hoped for return on his investment here. The wannabe Dictator is so incredibly ignorant. All the more reason we need to move to a true Democracy. The only reason our country isn’t one was a compromise to get southern states with large percentage of population in slavery to join the Union. That reason evaporated over 150 years ago.
If Trump wants to live in a country without freedom of press/ speech, he should pack his bags and move to China or Russia.
Seldom has a democracy lasted long in the history of thousands of years of hundreds of nations yet we lasted well over 200 years. See the book: "The Five Thousand Year Leap." Our Founding Fathers said democracy is the worst form of government and created a Constitutional Republic form of representative self government. They called democracy mob rule.

Democracy has historically existed briefly in transitional states as they became the communist nations often after genocides of tens of millions by their own government.

When we became our United States of America, we were just the thirteen original colonies and other states came after.

Ronald Smile

[quote riverdog]The Russian supported President own appointed Federal Judge upheld the First Admendment. Nice to see someone that supports our country and not just a hack that will destroy our country. Putin is pissed he’s not getting his hoped for return on his investment here. The wannabe Dictator is so incredibly ignorant. All the more reason we need to move to a true Democracy. The only reason our country isn’t one was a compromise to get southern states with large percentage of population in slavery to join the Union. That reason evaporated over 150 years ago.
If Trump wants to live in a country without freedom of press/ speech, he should pack his bags and move to China or Russia.[/quote]

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