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Hey everyone I know some of you crazies are watching for this to show up, so here it is... After the first most of a week, the north starts off with a fairly size able lead.. 125.5 to 0.... Probably the biggest lead of the contest, but who knows it might get bigger... After this opening round kfisher is currently number one with 72.5 points with Ahi close on his heals at 53 points and with the current biggest fish at 29"... Must admit I didn't think the north would start off with the lead, you two are rock stars in my book... nice job!!! Team south I expect you to come roaring back and take the lead... Be safe, careful and have fun everyone... Later J
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Thanks for the update, I think! I think for the south team to come roaring back and take the lead, I know how to do it, but I can't get to Powell right now[  ]. Forecast closer to home looks a bit daunting for a while.
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Powell sounds nice this time of year. Maybe worth a trip. An excuse anyway. Well won’t be long and they’ll be biting. Later J
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Since ice fishing in the next couple of days looks pretty bleak, I thought I might go to one of the harbors and give it a try. Then if it gets too miserable home is only 20 minutes away. Catfishing isn't for wimps. Remember July when the only precipitation was the sweat dropping from your brow into your eyes?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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I do remember and It is coming again, eventually. Good luck!
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[#00bf00]Time for an update, we have a new leader... [#0000ff]TubeDude [/#0000ff]moved into first place, however, team north still leads the overall team score, but not by average fish size, the south has that statistic in their favor... one more fish makes the difference at this point... [#ff0000]Well great time to make your teams top ten fish, and I'm sure that will be a great item to put on your resume, so get out there and catch one for the team... Have fun all... J[/#ff0000][/#00bf00]
[#ff0000][inline catcon31319.PNG]
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[#8000ff]Well you knew John wouldn't stand for being out of first place very long... So Ahi's back on top and he also kept team north in the lead... But the south still has the biggest per fish average size... Here's the specs... [/#8000ff]
[#8000ff][inline catcon31819.PNG][/#8000ff]
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[#0000ff]How about an update after the big day out for team south yesterday, they took the team lead.... However, [#00bf00]Ahi wouldn't let them steal all the thunder, so he went out and nailed the first 30"er of the year... John is still holding down the top score, although Lynn is keeping him on his toes... [#bf0000]Team south is spanking the north on per fish average length, mostly because of that looser SkunkedAgain that posted 3 mud cats.... So team north get out and erase those three Minnie's off the team score... Here's the numbers... J[/#bf0000][/#00bf00][/#0000ff]
[#bf0000][inline catcon32019.PNG][/#bf0000]
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I thought we would have a better lead than that but then I realized that you didn't have Pisco's fish on yet. Plus I have to post mine still. [  ] [fishon]
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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[#0000ff]Well okay if you want to see how bad your kicking our back sides I'll put up some new numbers...At this point team south has their full ten fish in the count and so you'll need to bump the smallest (23") to get a fish in the top ten of the south now... Team north is still short one, and a lot of size.... See below... Pisco filled the bracket and it contains a lot of big fish so far... So the north has to get busy to do some catching up... Here you go, minus your fish, I haven't seen the post yet... Later J[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][inline catcon32019b.PNG][/#0000ff]
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Ok, here is the update as of 3-24, if I've missed some of your fish or made a mistake, please PM me and I'll try to get it fixed...
[#0000bf]Now for the fun Part...... Ben, (IceSled) yes team south now has the biggest fish on the board... 30.5" officially, but it was even bigger than that, almost 31" and fat as can be... Great job Ben...[/#0000bf]
[#00bf00]John still leads the whole contest as usual and is just verily short of the 90 point mark that few cross each year... Probably one of the fastest times to that mark that I remember...[/#00bf00]
[#8000ff]Team south leads the team competition by a whopping 4" per fish, or 40 points.... That's a lot in this competition, but the ice just cleared up north, so hang on boys, the north is ready to start retaliating... May the best team win... Now is when things will start to get fun and wild, watch out for a crazy April and May... [/#8000ff]
[#ff0000]Here is the results as I have them... let me know if I've missed something... Later J[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000][inline catcon32419.PNG][/#ff0000]
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[#00bf00]Just a little mid-week update on the team scores... North has cut the lead to 27" but the standings are all basically the same otherwise... Team north could use a few bigger fish on the board to help make this a competition... It should be getting better everyday now... Good luck... J[/#00bf00]
[#00bf00][inline catcon32719.PNG][/#00bf00]
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[#00bf00]Okay I'm not biased or anything, but way to go jigfisher, pulling the north within 15 points.... Going to be a race pretty soon.... Most other standing are about the same... Later J[/#00bf00]
[#00bf00][inline catcon32919.PNG][/#00bf00]
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[#0000ff]Well ole SharkSugar101 showed up this weekend and that southern lead has now faded into the sunset... North is currently leading by a few points... Although the southern team has more mid range fish the north has a few more bigger ones, so the battle begins... Later J[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][inline catcon33119.PNG][/#0000ff]
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[#8000ff]That was a short lived lead.... Team south rolled back into the lead by two points thanks to Craig and Pat's trips yesterday... nice job guys... [#0000ff]Here's the updated numbers... [/#0000ff][/#8000ff]
[#0000ff][inline catcon4219.PNG][/#0000ff]
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[#ff0000]Okay Craig and I were talking, which is dangerous, but we started kicking around a top 20 fish deal, so more folks scores are important towards the team doing well... This way the team needs a good bench as well as the starting team... [#0000ff]So I started crunching some numbers along with a total inches caught and scored for each team... Look at this update and let me know what you think? Reply to the discussion post if you don't mind... We'll try to keep this post more about current standings... Sorry I probably should have put this on the other post... Maybe I'll post it there as well... Here's what the new update will look like... J[/#0000ff][/#ff0000]
[#0000ff][inline catcon4219b.PNG][/#0000ff]
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[#0000ff]Jig-fisher restored the North's lead with a solid outing yesterday... What did I say about heading for the back and forth season of the contest???? [#00bf00]North is now ahead by 4 points and the average size is getting pretty high now... I think the north needs at least 26.5 to enter the top ten and south needs 27.5" to get a fish in the top ten.. So it's good we have the top 20 going now, so the rest of us can have a fish on the charts... By-the-way all indicators are the same now, but I don't expect them to stay that way... Here's the new numbers... J[/#00bf00][/#0000ff]
[#00bf00][inline catcon4319.PNG][/#00bf00]
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[#0000ff]Oh one note on the top 20 above, north has one more fish (16) verses (15) fish for the south... so this one will flip easily with a fish over a mudcat length.. for the south... [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][#00bf00]Like I was saying team work, on the top 20 will make it necessary for more of the team to participate to keep your team ahead on the top 20 scores... I expect with a little nice weather more catters will get out and the top 20 will fill and then we'll see a lot more of you having fish in the top 20... Be fun to see how this scatters... Good luck... J[/#00bf00][/#0000ff]
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With the tiniest bit of rounding South has a 1" advantage when you average for the top 20, (which is now only 15 and 16 respectively): 25.96875 vs. 27.0666... Like you said, let's see what happens as we fill up the top 20 spots. Justin and Nancy have each just posted a fish for their team, so we're almost there. Looking at last year, it took fish from just 5 contestants to fill the top 10 spots while this year it will take 7 to fill the top 20. But what I really like is that absolutely everybody that posts a fish will have it count in the total-inches calculations. And it will be fun to see the average for those because the South will end up with a lot more total fish than the North. No brag, just fact [angelic]. Jeff, I emphatically vote for the new calculations and hope we can formalize them for next year. I feel like this makes the contest more fun for everyone and that's the point, right?
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Interesting to see how the standings roll once Jeff scores Justin and Nancy's posts.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
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