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silvertalon, Nickajack, LMB, CFF#2, 3/16/19
Was gonna run up but wanted to stay out of any major current thinking slack water - as the current has been flowing so hard for so long more bass would be set up shallow. That was not the case where I started fishing pockets and slough's near Shell Mound that were out of the cold wind and had deep water access nearby. Found schools of bait suspended but looked like the bass were as well. Moved and went 'back water' shallow throwing spinner baits. Not even a strike by 10:30. Was then hoping for just 1 keeper to stay out of the '20 point' club. Hit some wind blown rocks with deeper water nearby. Changed up to a small med diving crank bait in crawfish pattern and picked up #1- a line bumper. 10 mins later- #2 with a 3.80! I then went 2 hours on that pattern with only 1 shorty. By this time other boats on a shallow community hole had bailed out (around 12:15), leaving me to feel like I was the only fool left catching nothing! I moved in to check out what they were all fishing for. It was only 5-7' deep and there was no bait but, good grass about 12-18" off the bottom. I got out the 1/2 oz trap and started ripping grass. Bam, 1 shorty then nothing until about 12:45 when I started mowing grass in 3-5' FOW and found them. I picked up 4 keepers drilling one spot back and forth about 75 yards long. Managed to cull 3 for 8.89 and 5th pl. Had 8 fish for the day with 6 keepers. Amazing how close the top 1/2 of the field was. Anyone in the top 6 or 7 with a 4lb bite in the last hour could have won this thing but, Congrats to Earl and partner for the win. Thanks to Mike (Ckick68), for loading me out! Had a blast and 'win or loose', can't wait for #3 on the Chick!

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