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Okay looks like the general desire is to maintain a get together like the past ones at Willard... We are getting a lot of interest in going south this year. So let's put this in stone... This years 2019 Flotilla will be on May 4th at the Lincoln Beach facility... Since I know nothing about the area, Craig is going to be our point guy on getting this thing set up...
All you Utah Lake guys please help Craig get things together for our event. I will create a Flotilla thread and make it a sticky up top so you can find it for reference... Please pass along this info to other BFT'ers so we can have a great get together this spring... Thanks all.... Jeff
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[#0000FF]I will help however I can. On a previous BFT get together we had a fish fry after the fishing. I brought along my portable fish filleting station and filleted fish and then did a fry-em-up. Not anxious to do that again but it is a possible.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]For those who have never been to Lincoln Beach and need directions...or who could use some intel on fishing is the Lincoln Beach chapter from my Utah CD/book. Also, bear in mind that Utah County has recently acquired a large parcel of the formerly private land around Lincoln Point. So the areas on the maps market private or no pubic access are now open...but still mostly undeveloped.
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Thanks Pat, I'm sure as we get things coming together we could use some help... Appreciate the maps and info... thank will be great!!! If you have a boat and toon, which would be best to bring to fish with in the morning? Thanks Jeff
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Great LB writeup, Pat. It'll be a huge help to those of us who have never been there.
If the event stays on May 4, I'll be there.
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"If you have a boat and toon, which would be best to bring to fish with in the morning?"
[#0000FF]If you plan to fish near the launch area...or even out off the point...a toon will be fine. But if you plan to run out to Bird Island you will need a boat.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Around the first of May there is a lot of great fishing very close to the dikes. But even going to the springs is not a very long haul...especially with oars or an electric motor. Otherwise, you don't need to go more than a hundred yards in any direction from the boat channel entrance to find white bass, walleyes and/or catfish.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]And, if water levels are up, you can launch small craft right off the beach in front of the pavilion. See attached pic.[/#0000FF]
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Thanks Pat, that sounds great... Much easier to take the toon than the boat when having to drive through the city traffic... Thanks Jeff
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Is that area that includes the "L" now accessible to launch small craft?
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[#0000FF]It is, but I took a recon drive by there on Tuesday and both ramps have been unused for so long they are grown in with phragmites and other growth. Gonna take A. some machete work and B. some higher water. I plan to handle part A.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I am guessing that by the time of the get-together those mini ramps will be useable. But unless they do some more road improvement it will be tough for anything but high clearance vehicles...4x4 not necessary yet.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I can let you know for sure before D-Day.
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Pat for some reason I can't open your chapter on Lincoln Beach, but I remember seeing you had driving directions to get to Lincoln Beach from I-15. Will you post those on this thread as well so those of us that can't open the file will know the best way to get there?
It looks like it could be tricky on Google maps (satellite)... Do you get off 15 at 8000 S (Benjamin Exit I'm guessing) and go west to 3200 W, then go north to 6400 S and then go west on a zig zag road that turns back west on 6300 S and ends up veering right and turns into Lincoln Beach road?? Is that the best way to get there? Or do you get off on the main street in Spanish Fork off ramp and go south to 400 N and then turn west and follow that road west as it turns into 6400 S and follows above route from there? Looks like that off ramp to main street could be a little tricky for a small town boy like me, is it something I could figure out without raising too many middle fingers??? Maybe early in the morning I might be okay without too much traffic around...
Boy picking Lincoln beach will make us northerner have to run the full sucky roads from end to end twice, you guys will owe us for driving that hell highway end to end across the whole front... That's the main reason I never go south... too many people down that way for me... Pretty sure I'll just take the toon, don't want to deal with a trailer that far on that crowded of roads...
Anyway, thanks for the help with things... Jeff
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[#0000FF]Here is a condensed version...with just the maps and directions. If you can't open any PDF file you should check to see that you have the latest version of Adobe Reader on your computer. [url ""]LINK[/url]
"Boy picking Lincoln beach will make us northerner have to run the full sucky roads from end to end twice, you guys will owe us for driving that hell highway end to end across the whole front... That's the main reason I never go south... too many people down that way for me.."
[#0000FF]I'll see what I can do to get some of the covered wagons and handcarts off the roads for you.
[#0000FF]For we who live in the Salt Lake area, it is just about an equal drive to either Willard or Lincoln Beach. But it is just as "sucky" to drive through Davis County and Ogden as going south. I especially enjoy jousting with the Hill Field "rush hour". A buncha frustrated wannabee fighter pilot jockeys.[/#0000FF]
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Thanks Pat, I'll have to check my Adobe, I still can't open it...
Guess it depends on where you're used to driving... Seems like the Ogden area isn't too bad to me, but starting at about Layton mall south things go down hill on the roads for us country bumpkins..... Hopefully time of day will keep me from causing any traffic issues..
I guess that brings up one question we should answer? What time of day should we start? I'm assuming at first daylight like usual so we can fish in the morning? Everyone in favor of that? Later Jeff
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[#0000FF]My personal preference around the first of May is to be on the water at first light. Walleyes will be in a post spawn feeding mode...and white bass will be schooling up for the impending spawn. Catfish will hit all day at this time. So by starting early you get a good shot at more species...before any pesky breezes start pushing folks around.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]No need to have an "arrive by" time. Keep that open. But you can schedule the "BYOL" (bring your own lunch) thing for anytime after about 1-ish. Fishing often dies off for a while about midday so we can all group up for a chow and chat session. And those who wanna go back out for the afternoon shift can do so.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Not sure what Windows version you have...or what browser you are using. But you may want to at least upgrade your coal-burning computer.
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Assuming I get to go, I think I'll come down with my 'yak the evening before (Friday SLC rush hour, Yippee!) and motel it rather than leave Ogden at Ohgodthirty that morning.
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[#0000FF]That is a great place for yakkin'. An amazing number of spots with varied bottom and structure conditions. I am anticipating that the lake will be near the high water mark by then and that will increase the options.
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Good point, no need of setting arrival times since it won't really matter, just a gather for lunch time at 1:00 and maybe a radio frequency to contact other members might be good....
My computer is actually fairly up to date, probably a firewall issue... Later J
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Don't forget that we need to schedule in some time for cleaning up trash. I'm thinking we could make it sort of a free-lance deal where people go out when convenient--no need to join pinkies and comb through the brush en masse. Bags and gloves will be available as well as a dumpster. I haven't had time yet to survey the area, nor do I know where our boundaries are, but we may want to bring machetes and such to chop back the invasive vegetation along the channel or wherever. We'll work out these details as we go.
I don't know what we want to do about lunch. I thought that a potluck would be good while others have suggested that we all just bring our own individual lunches. BLK is going to pop for the pop. Many thanks, Lynn.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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I'll bet we can do a post event trash run like cleaning up after scout camp and probably with many hands it will make light work... At least I'm hoping so... I haven't seen how bad of shape that area is in... Be good to know what our area to patrol is going to be... We'll watch for the map of that area... later
Thanks Lynn on the pop, I'm still not saying we have to do lunch any prescribed way, I just know from past years it can take a lot of time and can be a schedule buster... So I'll leave that up to you Craig, and your team down there, but I'm fine just bringing a sandwich and calling it good... Thanks Jeff
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[#0000FF]Utah County Parks does a pretty good job of keeping that area cleaned up. But out on the points of the dikes...where county vehicles can't drive...the trashers do leave behind a lot of "territory markers". Once the water levels come up there are not as many trash problems because there is no access out onto the rock shelves. That is where the happy harvesters seem to bring all their trash from home to leave for the enjoyment of others.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]By the first of May it remains to be seen what the condition will be. It will certainly not be as bad as some other less patrolled areas around the lake.
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As I said before I don't know the exact boundaries of our area but I will find out soon. Lincoln Point is its own area so I don't think we would be responsible for anything past the springs. Mainly the dikes to the first spring area.
Ice_sled wants to do a fish fry with hush puppies meal. I think if we had other setups going at the same time we could get everyone served in a timely manner. I think TD might want to do some as well. Anybody else?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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As I said on the other post, bring on the hush puppies... I'll do what I can to help and bring my gear for cooking...Just let me know what you need me to do or bring? Thanks Ben and Craig Later Jeff
PS... What do you need for fish? Let us know and we can probably get plenty brought by attendees... to cover it, no need for Ben to cover all that...