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She did it again
We went out to Lincoln Beach this morning (me & MrsJ) to try out the new bait we caught last week. She just doesn't get it! I am the one that is supposed to catch the biggest fish. The bad part of it is, she laughs about it. It is all good though, I enjoy watching her get excited. We had a good day and quit with 12. Figured that was more than enough to feed her family next Saturday.

Richard, I saw Violets post on the contest forum. That's a really nice days catch.

Since she out fished you, do you get to do all the fish filleting ? [Wink]
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Well Richard she may have caught the biggest fish, but I think you got the better catch... if you know what I mean... Glad you two had a fun day out...J
Ya know what! She jumped right in without hesitation and did all she could to help out. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty or smelly.
I did get a good catch. Violet is fun to be with. She loves to fish and gets gets as excited as a kid when she has a fish on.

She makes loading the boat much easier to.

That’s so cool, congrats. Wish you two the best of adventures and happiness. Later Jeff

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