05-31-2019, 09:00 AM
fished the southern open last week and knew i was going to need things to go my way to do well. ended up 43rd out of 220, 3 more ounces would have gotten me a check, 3 more lbs would have had fishing on saturday......UGH!!!! just never got a big bite.<br /><br />all the fish i weighed came off ledges/shell beds, most on a crig and one better fish each day on a cb.<br /><br />so friday i had a limit but just couldnt get a better bite so i made a run to fish shallow some and try to get a big bite. going through this area and see a nice scum mat on the back side of a laydown, made 3-4 casts on that mat with nothing, make a shot on the laydown and my co angler throws onto the mat with a frog and catches a 5 1/5lber..............pretty much sums up how my tournament went. <br /><br />thats tournament fishing.........