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First timer to cutler Reservoir
First time to Cutler Reservoir, is there any suggestions on area of where to fish. Looking to catch some catfish. Thank you
I fish Cutler quite regularly it is home of some huge catfish. I would recommend fishing late in the evening and into the night. I would recommend using shrimp or chicken liver both of those bates have the potential to produce some very large fish for you. I would recommend fishing right off of the dock or under the bridge where the highway crosses this can be a very very fun fishery good luck
Thank you very much
Do you have a boat? If so, there is a big scour hole just north of the Benson bridge (about 100 yards north of it) and that is a good spot to fish for decent sized cats. The river channel where the Bear River comes in is also good if you fish the flats adjacent to the channel once the sun starts getting low and late into the night. I've caught channel cats up to 33" in there several times in years past.

The best bait that I have found for the big channel cats is FRESH cut sucker meat, carp meat, or chubs used either whole if they are minnow sized or cut into chunks if they are big ones. Chicken livers and shrimp work, but get eaten by the mud cats and the carp love shrimp as well. If all I have to fish with is shrimp, then I will hopefully catch a carp on it and promptly cut it up for bait.

I have found through many years of fishing for Channel cats that the big ones are top level predators and love either whole minnows or fresh cut bait. Punch baits, dip baits, worms, livers, and shrimp will all work just fine, but usually produce smaller cats and lots of mud cats at Cutler.

BTW, if you are shore bound, fish the bridge area either on the north side along the west bank or the south side about 100 yards south of the bridge on the West Bank as well.


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