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You all have heard Paul Harvey's "The Rest of The Story" Well. here's my rest of my story about catching two 29 inch cats on Thursday.
The wind had started to come up. and we had decided it was time to call it quits for the day. So, before we got too close to dock, Mother nature decided to make her call. I was busy digging my little bucket from under the seat, and Richard said " you better land this fish before you get started there.
I told hem to quit kidding me, as I needed to GO!
He said "No I'm not kidding, you better grab your pole".
When I turned around and looked it was about bent in half, going crazy. If it had been 30 seconds later, Richard would have had to land that fish, as I would have been too busy.
As it was, I just about wet my pants I was so excited, but managed to keep things under control thank goodness.
I had gotten into the tackle box and decided to use Richard's rig that he had used the day he caught two 29 inchers, and it worked.
I like to give him a bad time, but he has taught me everything he knows about cat fishing, and I owe it all to him. Thanks Richard.
I haven't deliberately fished for cat fish yet. I've caught plenty as a child in various marinas along the Gulf of Mexico and particularly when crossing Florida through Lake Okeechobee.

I notice in the sporting goods stores catfish specific reels and rods which look rather large like a small version of my surf fishing equipment which I suppose would be fine for monster catfish. My preparedness nature has me often choosing overkill for reliability over advantages of lighter weight and surf fishing can be catching rather large fish.

I have a lot of old memories way back to being a very small child. I was on a beach in Florida probably before I learned to talk well enough to have conversations because I don't have an answer to the following mystery. There were about 300 big strong men losing a tug of war trying to pull in a big rope that seemed to be as thick as my arm. They would gain a few feet with a lot of work and then lose it all and more being dragged in the sand. The rope went out into the Gulf of Mexico and under water. What was at the other end of the rope winning the tug of war against 300 men?
Good "rest of the story" Violet. I'm glad I left that day before the wind came up. I would not have wanted to interfere with the your.... well, with the rest of your 29 inch catch. You're a fine lady and a good catter. Richard probably made his best catch when he hooked you.

Hope to see you guys on the water again next week. The 30 inchers will begin to show up soon... for somebody other than Jim and Ben.

Keep 'em coming.

Hey, I still need 2 more to help the team!
[quote MrsJ]Mother nature decided to make her call. I was busy digging my little bucket from under the seat, and Richard said " you better land this fish before you get started there.
I told hem to quit kidding me, as I needed to GO!
He said "No I'm not kidding, you better grab your pole".

I was waiting for something interesting to happen with the bucket and Richard, just saying [bobyell]
It looks like you and I are tied for 3rd place in the south with 86.5 score, and Richard at 87. This is so fun.
Jim and Ben better look out, we're coming, the big ones are just around the bend.
We'll be out on Tuesday, can't take all the players on weekends and holidays.
We don't get up as early as you do, hope to see you out there.
I think I got a pretty good catch with Richard too.
Violet, loved your "rest of the story" [laugh][laugh][laugh].....I started carrying a 5 gal. bucket with the snap on lid & seat in my boat for just that same reason. It can be a long way from a bathroom. So far we have not had to use it, but it's a comfort knowing it is there.........
Great going on those Cats.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Richard, we miss you up north, but it's good to see you got yourself a keeper!
Great story. Reminded me of something else I need to add to my boat.

I'll be going out on Tuesday, too. Hope we see you out there. Maybe if I follow you around I will catch some 29ers [Wink].
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.


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