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Fish Replica Mount Help
Does anyone have a good reference for doing a King Salmon replica? I’d like to stay local, but not an absolute necessity. What price per inch would I expect to pay for a quality mount. I’ve seen from $13 up to $30 + shipping. Seems like a huge span. Just google searches so far.
Where are you located?
This is not local but it might help. Its from another post on another forum someone else used.
Quakie Pass Taxidermy in American Fork does amazing work.
Give Dan a call at Wilderness taxidermy, his number is 801-776-7091. He did my Desert big horn ram last year and I saw a lot of fish, including king salmon, he has done in his shop. He has won awards for the fish he has done so he is good. Sorry, can't give you a price.
Don't remember if you were there at the award ceremony the year hookngrinin brought his mounts that he does, but they sure look good to me... However, I'm not sure if he has big enough forms to do a King Salmon... What size was the fish? hopefully Ron is watching the post and will reply on what he can do and his rates... I'd look at his stuff while your making your decision, he's good and a great artist and matching the replica to look like the real fish... Good luck... Jeff
I gave Dan a call at Wilderness taxidermy and he said he charges $18 for skin mounts and $20 for replica mounts. He also told me that he just got a mount for a 45 to 50" king and if your fish is that size, he can make you a great deal.
Thanks for the replies! I’m not sure why I didn’t think of Dan- he did a Bear Lake Perch for me a few years ago. I’ll give him a call. Jeff- I’ll shoot h&g a pm. I met him at the get together, just didn’t know he did fish replicas. It’s 48” long. Big fish!
I don’t know if Ron has anything that big. I had a 27” cutty I was thinking about and he didn’t have the right size so it saved me some money I didn’t have. That’s a great fish I don’t blame you for wanting to mount that one. Good luck. Jeff
Quakie Pass no longer does fish. It’s unfortunate, his pics looked really good. I’m in Salt Lake, but by Local I mean Utah. It’s pretty pricey to ship fish over 40”.
Sounds like the fish you want to have a mount of, will work great for the mount Dan has, hope it works out.
Congrats on a great fish. Scott Humble has done excellent work for a handful of close friends of mine. I also have seen some of Wilderness Taxidermy’s work and he does really good as well.

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