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Ice Conditions/ Deterioration
Been thinking about this a lot. The edges at Holmes are good, and of course Strawberry. I hope we keep getting reports so I can stay up on it. It's going to get scary again. We already had a couple of boys fall through at UL and we don't need any more. Thanks for the reminder.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
[quote catchinon]

I hope we keep getting reports so I can stay up on it.


Always good to stay on the ice, rather than falling through it.[Wink] (Sorry, I just can't help responding to the voices in my head.)
The edges at Rockport are gone but only a foot or two so we didn't need a plank as of Saturday. However with the warm weather and rising water plank season might be here sooner than usual.
UL State Park ice is only 1" thick, not safe to walk on as of today. Edges around the dock the ice is separating about 3".
Thanks for the report I’m afraid this weekend may catch a lot of us by surprise if we don’t go prepared. Thanks J
I’m sorry that’s terrible to lose the ice already. You’re going to have those cat aholics after me to start the catfish contest soon. Thanks for the report. Jeff
Porcupine this am
That’s one of the ones I was concerned about. Doesn’t take much runoff to really make an edge gap up there and it’s hard to get a plank to the ice and back to the truck. Thanks Alan for checking that one out. Could you tell how wide the gap was? Thanks Jeff

PS did you take the snowmobile?
I’d guess about 8” of water to start of ice, but that was from distance
I think by Sunday the ice will be gone and catfishing will begin for the diehards.
[quote FishfulThinkin]The edges at Rockport are gone but only a foot or two so we didn't need a plank as of Saturday. However with the warm weather and rising water plank season might be here sooner than usual.[/quote]

I'm heading out to Rockport in the AM with my little boy and dad. I'll watch the edges but are things looking ok a little further out? I'm hearing 7-9 inches most places.
As of last Saturday a big step got you to good ice and we crossed with snowmobiles without trouble but if you don't watch that first step you could get wet.
Ice off.....? Catfish...….? Cat Contest...……? Guess I better start getting my gear tuned up, the boat ready, and my fishing license renewed.....maybe a recon trip to Bear River.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Its open water at Lindon harbor, saratoga if very close to launchable, hoping LB will be by saturday, looks like provo might hod out through the weekend,

You better get your charts and graphs warmed up.
[Image: download.jpg]
I suspect you might be correct.... Hard to get them to bite this time of year though... J
Up here there's the river launch ramp that's still open, but I'm not in a hurry to try it... Northern cats are lazy and don't get going to early in the season... But won't be long if the current trends continue... Later Jeff
Guys, I share your concerns considering the recent weeks weather. I have not had much of a chance to get out in January and was looking forward to hitting a few spots in the next few weeks.

With that in mind I took a quick peek at Willard today on my way past. The north marina, was in better shape than I expected. Off the longest dock I chopped through 4 inches. The first inch was pretty cloudy but the rest looked pretty good. No slush to wade through. I did not go out further and but i could see some gray areas that looked like trouble towards the middle and in fact one area someone had put cones around - to warn us of weak ice or to mark thier hot spot, i am not sure.

I would likely try it if it did not degrade further but I would sure be carefully spudding my way out.

That said I am still trying to decide where to wander this weekend .
Thanks Alan,
We'll see what we find there tomorrow... Thanks Jeff
Oh you guys are trying to put me back to work while I'm still on my fishing vacation.... Better give me at least two weeks yet... Can't remember did we start on Feb 15th last year or March 1st? Wow did this ice season go fast... I better get back out some more... Jeff
Hey I didn't expect that report, I expected Willard would be a was condition by now... For sure time to be very careful… Was a little cooler today so maybe we'll get a little longer left... I heard Monday temperatures were supposed to drop close to 25 degrees, so I hope we'll be fishing past Valentines this year, but I'm not going to bet on it on the low lakes... I know we will on the higher ones, but I think we may see the Willard, Utah Lake, Cutler and etc starting to open up for the summer... Good luck and be careful this weekend... I'm heading for Porcupine on Friday and Idaho on Saturday... If I get wet, I'll put up a warning post... Later Jeff

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