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Really slow at Rockport, old PV report.
I hit the west side of Rockport in the area of the Kent's Canyon pull-out Saturday afternoon (Jan. 2nd) from about 1 pm til dark.  Fishing was very slow.  I hit everything from about 18 feet in the flat between points to 65 feet of water off the rocky points.  

Just before dark on my way out, I got five hits and pulled up three perch from an old hole about 32' deep.   The good news is they were decent perch, one a full 11" and the other two about 9.5".

I was a little surprised. I've only fished Rockport a few times, but I'm set up good for perch.   Nobody around me was doing MUCH better, except for one youngster from a nice family I met, who managed a fat 19" or so rainbow that he walked 120 yards to show me. 

Wed Dec, 30, I took my brother and his kids to PV toward evening.  Fishing was slow for tiny crappies near Cemetery Point.

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