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New Years Day.....81*
Took the skiff out on Tuesday morning, thought it was going to be a fishing day for me, nope. My girls wanted to go out so my 7 y.o could try out her new pink fishing pole Smile. Threw on a float and some shrimp and let her fish, she caught 4 saltwater catfish and a stingray. Next week will be my fishing time. Can’t beat the weather or scenery.
It must be tough being stuck down there while the rest of us up here are enjoying days out on the ice at 20-below. Bet ya miss it a lot.

Yeah, there's just something special about fishing with daughters. My granddaughters are just about old enough now--can't wait.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Yeah, yeah. It was -22 F when we stepped out of the vehicle to ice fish yesterday.

Sounds like you are having fun down there. Congrats on a nice trip.
You'll be rewarded next week when you fish...looks nice down there! Great golfing weather as well!
Man I love that boat, looks like life is treating you well... congrats.. J
Hope so, been tying a lot and need to try out my new flies.
The boat is great, wild running in a foot of water.
Wow that sounds like what I need for Cutler. Hey has it been a good move for ya? Sure hope so. I liked the time I spent in Florida but I missed the mountains. Thanks for posting back on the site so we can keep track of you. Later Jeff
Beautiful day, new boat and fishing with the family. Pretty hard to beat!
Just one question: Ya think it could navigate the Middle Provo? [Wink]
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Florida.....where bouts? Doing some fishin in the salt shallows for Bone Fish ?
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Tampa, no bonefish up here. Redfish, Trout and Tarpon.

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