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Strawberry 6/24 with Obifishkanobi
My Daughter and I met up with Obifishkanobi at 5am in search of kokes. Very appreciative that he invited us to tag along. We had cutts hitting first thing, then managed to get some kokes enticed. I learned a few new things, and enjoyed swapping stories while waiting for fish. 

Ended the day with 5 kokes and I believe 6 cutts. A few lost at the boat and a couple long line releases. 3 of the kokes we ‘found’ while checking the gear. Good times were had and my daughter reeled in the biggest of the day. 

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[Image: BFCDCA2-E-338-E-4-CDA-9-EC1-049-D8-DBBF885.jpg]

[Image: D3279251-8214-456-F-B81-F-BE01316142-B8.jpg]
With the amount of kokanee pulled out and stocked i wonder how old these farmed fish are?
The stocked fish are a supplement, natural spawning also occurs at the berry.

Not sure I would call this farming, unlike the carp often farmed in Europe and Asia, or the Atlantic Salmon or even Catfish when farmed specifically for the table.

But then again, I eat farmed corn, farmed beef, farmed beans, farmed .......

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