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cost to go fishing is going up
Crude oil futures in Nov was $34 today it is $78. up $2.00 from yesterday.      I think it will go over $110
Gasoline RBOB in Nov was .96 today $2.24   
Natural gas sept 23 2020 was  1.8  today it is $6.o6

so i better go fishing to Idaho this week. while gas is under $4
Ouch, sounds like I'll have to pull the ice sled this winter... fish close to home and all those other cost saving measures... not to mention lack of water to fish in... Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Everything is going up, won't be able to afford to eat pretty soon, spent $50 at the grocery store the other day and didn't have anything.
I agree with you, the cost of fishing is a lot more than just gas.
To keep a safe trailer means tires, bearings, lights, insurance... oh yes worms !! Cost of park entrance fees.
I think next year I'll have to locate my camp trailer and live up there.. what do you think. Should we start a bigfish community, one at strawberry, one at willard. Where else should we go?
Wife an I went shopping the other day no meat was purchased and it came to $117.00 for the two of us. I could pack the whole purchase in the house in one carry. Why do we have oil and the refinery's wright here in the state and pay some of the highest prices for gas in the country. I remember listening too some of the old timers talking about how they were trying to price the average guy out of fishing and hunting and would laugh behind there back. Looks like I owe some of them an apology.
(10-04-2021, 08:14 PM)doitall5000 Wrote: I agree with you, the cost of fishing is a lot more than just gas.
To keep a safe trailer means tires, bearings, lights, insurance... oh yes worms !! Cost of park entrance fees.
I think next year I'll have to locate my camp trailer and live up there.. what do you think. Should we start a bigfish community,  one at strawberry,  one at willard.  Where else should we go?
I agree, the cost of vehicle upkeep has really gone also, plus food going up, gas a fishing trip isn't cheap even if it is close to home. Starting a big fish tackle community at a lake sounds like a great idea, could help each other share costs, plus would be a lot of fun.

(10-04-2021, 10:24 PM)catdaddygar Wrote: Wife an I went shopping the other day no meat was purchased and it came to $117.00 for the two of us.  I could pack the whole purchase in the house in one carry.  Why do we have oil and the refinery's wright here in the state and pay some of the highest prices for gas in the country.    I remember listening too some of the old timers talking about how they were trying to price the average guy out of  fishing and hunting and would laugh behind there back. Looks like I owe some of them an apology.

I've thought the same thing about gas, the one town in Montana has like 5 refineries, oil wells not far away and was the most expensive place in the state for gas. Hunting is slowly becoming a rich man's game, blm access to private property is getting smaller cause they can get depredation tags from the state and charge a premium for those tags and not allow anyone from the public on. Spent $40 for hot dogs and few other small items at the grocery store this afternoon.
I'm thinking we have lots of oil , lots goes out of our state,
[Image: Screenshot-20211004-185603-Maps.jpg]
Lots of oil tankers running threw heber for sure.
I'm sure a lot of it does, same as Montana. Can't drill or put in pipelines, all of it hurts the economy.
Just wait for my post about "How to go ice fishing for only $100,000."
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
(10-04-2021, 08:14 PM)doitall5000 Wrote: I agree with you, the cost of fishing is a lot more than just gas.
To keep a safe trailer means tires, bearings, lights, insurance... oh yes worms !! Cost of park entrance fees.
I think next year I'll have to locate my camp trailer and live up there.. what do you think. Should we start a bigfish community,  one at strawberry,  one at willard.  Where else should we go?

Boulder Mountain, 1000 Lakes or somewhere worth fishing. Strawberry? Please.?
(10-05-2021, 03:44 AM)BG1 Wrote:
(10-04-2021, 08:14 PM)doitall5000 Wrote: I agree with you, the cost of fishing is a lot more than just gas.
To keep a safe trailer means tires, bearings, lights, insurance... oh yes worms !! Cost of park entrance fees.
I think next year I'll have to locate my camp trailer and live up there.. what do you think. Should we start a bigfish community,  one at strawberry,  one at willard.  Where else should we go?

Boulder Mountain, 1000 Lakes or somewhere worth fishing. Strawberry? Please.?

Boulder Mt. Sounds great to me, take wheelers and work together for some great days.
(10-04-2021, 06:22 PM)liketrolling Wrote: Crude oil futures in Nov was $34 today it is $78. up $2.00 from yesterday.  I think it will go over $110
Gasoline RBOB in Nov was .96 today $2.24   
Natural gas sept 23 2020 was  1.8  today it is $6.o6

so i better go fishing to Idaho this week. while gas is under $4

$79 a barrel today.
That’s what sucks for me. Nowhere in Utah worth fishing north of Gunnison and I live in Holliday!
Yep, can't figure out where to fish on Idaho without a overnight trip, drained most all the lakes here
(10-06-2021, 01:45 AM)meancuznalfy Wrote: Yep, can't figure out where to fish on Idaho without a overnight trip, drained most all the lakes here

Yep, about the only one that hasn't been drained this year.
Well they are shutting off the pumps out of Bear Lake soon or already have, so don't expect Oneida to stay as full as it has been... unless they decide to quit generating... Or else look for longer swings between high and low water cycles... The fun of drought years... Good luck, I hope it stays good, but I do know the flow will be reducing... Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
You can cut the price of your fishing trip in half.

Just invite me along and I can pay half of the days expenses. I can even take my boat.
The big drawback is you are trapped in the truck with me going both ways and get to hear all of my fishing and hunting stories. Oh well I guess there is no easy answer
(10-06-2021, 02:15 AM)PAC12_AfterDark Wrote:
(10-06-2021, 01:45 AM)meancuznalfy Wrote: Yep, can't figure out where to fish on Idaho without a overnight trip, drained most all the lakes here


I was able to fish Milner this weekend and did pretty good on the smallies. My son and I caught 20-25 fish each day and had a blast!
They wanted baits slow and on the bottom but ned rigs seemed to work the best. Largest was 3.4 pounds but several over 2.5.
I know another way to cut the cost: Fish two or three times longer. I can't believe the number of anglers who drive quite a way then fish for only three or four hours. You could fish up to 10-12 hours in a day any time of year. Just sayin'.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

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