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You can tell it's Spring
Because Sportsman Channel on TV has fishing shows again! Big selection of watchable shows most days. If we can't go fishin' at least we can watch fishin'

If the wife wife didn't hide the remote control from kids this morning and then she just took them to movies and she never mentioned where she put the I'm stuck at home with no TV just tablet.
(01-08-2022, 08:14 PM)Mooseman75 Wrote: If the wife wife didn't hide the remote control from kids this morning and then she just took them to movies and she never mentioned where she put the I'm stuck at home with no TV just tablet.

Too bad you don't have Dish and then you could find your remote.
LOL, not likely, just the normal Jan thaw, we get in most years here in Ut. Guess we will see but I believe more cold snowy weather will be on it's way before our normal March Spring. That being said, I'm fine with the mountains getting the snow and it raining down here.
What happened to winter it never got started this year. Very few ice trips so far I sure hope it’s not over yet. We should have 6-8 weeks I hope. Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Winter is till here, Jeff. But TV schedules are like Walmart clothing displays: you see Spring things in January, and Summer things in March. (And Christmas things in October...)
Okay got ya, but it’s looking like spring the last couple days. Really pretty weather for sure. But it is still growing ice so I’m hoping for a little more winter. If we could have ice and nice weather it’s the best of both worlds. Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!

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