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New Trout for Tomorrow
I think some of you know my wife sells a lot on ebay. A few years back we picked up a large lot of vintage Outdoor Life and Field and Stream magazines. I have been slow to list them as I enjoy reading them myself.

Today I was listing a set of 1959 Field and Stream and a big story in the March Issue is about  "A new Trout Species" through Hybridization. 

Female Brown + Male Brookie = Tiger Trout.

Fascinating read to hear the thought process of our biologist from the 1950s. I have mixed feeling about Hybridization but freely admit many Smiles from Tigers over the years.

Should they have? I am not smart enough to answer my own question but I think I will take it down to the fire place tonight and enjoy reading it again.

Here is a photo of the article

[Image: 20240328-101842.jpg]
Remember: keep the lid on the worms, share your jerky, and stop by to say hi to Cookie and the Cowboy-Pirate crew
Tiger trout are my favorite trout to catch. They fight like the Energizer Bunny and they are neat to look at.
I also like the looks and tenacity of the tigers! One of my favorite things about fish in general, is how a species can exhibit such a vast array of markings and colors, even from the same waters. Tigers especially show such a crazy spectrum of these traits from one catch to the next.
Love them or hate them, I think they are neat!
But, I won't eat one. Blech.
Like most trout the taste is highly variable. I am getting better at judging the meat before I cut it open.
The ones that eat shrimp are the best.
The ones that eat more invertebrates than minnows have the best red flesh.  Great eating.

[Image: TIGER-FILLET.jpg] [Image: OVEN-READY.jpg] [Image: FRESH-BAKED.jpg]

I say keep up the hybrid species of all varieties. Not many trout are spawned anywhere but the hatcheries now, so not much difference there as far as repopulating goes. Plus, they all seem to grow fast and fight hard!

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