04-14-2002, 01:54 PM
Has any one noticed the new titles under their names?<br><br>I have been working on changing the titles according to the number of post made by our members,<br><br>This means that the more you share whit your feller members the bigger your fish will become under your name starting with a minnow or anchovy.<br><br>Remember your fish will certainly grow when you share your fishing tips stories jokes concerns reports and friendly conversation.<br><br>There is a cut off point as to how big your fish can grow when you reach this point you will have the option of having any title under your name. (Such as "Old Timer" " O'L Salty" "The Smelly One" ) what ever your heart desires.<br><br>Remember the fish titles are just in fun and to show off [cool]<br><br>ATT ALL CHARTER BOAT CAPITANS…<br><br>Seeing as many of us do not know who you are if you make a post to this lead telling us your place of operation (web sites if you have them) and how to get a hold of you for future charter events, I will immediately change the title to "Charter Boat Capitan" for all to see. <br><br>We really appreciate you "Salt Water Charter Boat Capitan’s" and your fishing reports as it gives us who don’t get out much a chance to plan for and dream of going out on one of your charters to chase after one of those Blue Marlins, Giant Black Bass and other salt water adventures and “Inland Lakes Charters Capitan’s” who are after Salmon, Walleyes, Stripers, Channel Cats and other fresh water adventures.<br><br>For the rest of us Anglers if you have any questions or comments about the name titles post them here as well I would like to know your thoughts and feelings about them.<br><br>Remember it is all in fun (not to bear on anyone’s experience or chattiness)<br>And is my reward to you for sharing your advice and adventures and yes-even questions. <br><br><br><A HREF="http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/MESS6438/" target="_new">http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/MESS6438/</A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown