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Water Request??
Since Jordenelle is a designated Holding Reservior - currently holding at 87% and Deer Creek is a designated beach launching reservoir, and they know that the run-off will at least be fairly significant -

How can sports fisherman request they dump some water into Deer Creek?

We need some H2O released - who are the guys that can flip the switch or is the Dam construction at Deer Creek causing the hold back?

I was under the impression that the main reason for such low water at Deer Creek was because of the construction.
They are done with the construction now, and waiting for the snow run off first... sounds like once Jordanelle reaches 100%, then the water will go down to Deer Creek, filling it somewhat... but not much as Deer Creek has gone down 60 feet plus and will need a lot of water. Once Deer Creek reaches its full capacity, then the water will fill up Utah Lake. Kinda like chain reaction.

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