04-13-2004, 02:03 PM
RIVERSIDE –- Fulmor Lake and Hemet Lake.[left]SAN BERNARDINO –- Mojave Narrows Regional Park Lake.
INYO –- Owens River (Laws bridge downstream to Steward Lane)and Pleasant Valley Reservoir.[/left] [left]MONO –- Bridgeport Reservoir, Little Walker River, Lundy Lake, Mill Creek, Virginia Creek, West Walker River (Chris Flat campground to town of Walker and Leavitt Meadows campground to Sonora bridge).[/left]
INYO –- Owens River (Laws bridge downstream to Steward Lane)and Pleasant Valley Reservoir.[/left] [left]MONO –- Bridgeport Reservoir, Little Walker River, Lundy Lake, Mill Creek, Virginia Creek, West Walker River (Chris Flat campground to town of Walker and Leavitt Meadows campground to Sonora bridge).[/left]