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went to willard this afternoon with blm, instead of launching the boat we decided to go to hooked and get more prisem shad (by the way they only had 6 left) ran into fishcrazy and wiperhunter2 as we where launching the boomerang trolled the east side for almost 2 hours had a couple hits and decided to call it a night about 5:15pm talked to predator and tomegun out on the water but ill let them give there own report, lets just say it was better then mine, curt let us know how you and crazyfish did today.
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You know, the sides on my boat are pretty tall, I really didnt think it was possible for a guy to fall overboard out of my boat until tomegun did.
The dudes got dedication though. In a tournament, thats definitley the guy you want netting your fish. That fish didnt want in the net at all so tommy just figured hed go in the lake and make it get in the net.
What you think I am kidding? Fine, ask tomegun about it yourself.
Anyways, we did do a number on them tonight. Tomeguns the good luck charm. Just remember, you have to get him wet first, or it doesnt work.
Anyways lets get to the pics huh?
You might get a little bored opening up the attachments, but hey we wanted to makes sure we documented the entire trip and each fish for you viewing pleasure.
No walleye tonight. Unfortunatley.
We only had five when we ran into BLM and petty. We boated that many more after that, and tomegun had a couple more get off. They only wanted to hang around long enough to invite him to come for a swim.
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NIce report. You had a lot better luck than I did. I got out around 6pm and fished for 2 hours on the south side. One boat said they got three. Other than than no one else I talked too had any.
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Pred ... TGun,[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Nice batch of wipers. Makes for some good memories.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Speaking of good memories, you and your twin brother (the other dude in the white shirt) need to be a little more careful when you venture over close to the edge of the boat! He, he.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Way to much fun. Guess I'll have to get out there tomorow and try my luck.[/size][/font]
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Sweet pics Predator. You guys spanked em today. It looks like Willard is starting to rocknroll. Ladies and gentleman, it's Willard Time! I believe the boat will see it's first water this year real soon.
Hey Predator I have some Q's for ya. Should I pm ya or just ask here?
Speed, planers, cranks, you know that kinda stuff.[  ] I'm not even gonna ask for location, location, location, I already know the answer to that, and that is IN THE WATER. Wipers seem to be able to move pretty good on me in the past so I know how it goes from today and tomorrow. New game.Thanks for any bones you might throw this little dog.
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You are right about the fish moving. We had to move like mad to keep up with them. The fish we were chasing covered some serious water today.
You know the standard stuff. lipless cranks, deep diving cranks, plastics.
The main thing was top find them, then follow. If you loose them, turn back and angle off until you get them again. That way you can form a line of sight in the direction they are heading.
But you see, tomegun is a "Master Troller" so it helps to have him along to give you pointers.
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Nice Report and pics Pred . And tomegun , I am only laughing with you . LOL So tomegun , what was the temp on the water ? LOL Glad to see they are still hitting . I took my first wiper home to eat 2 weeks ago and to also get a clue of what it was eating on but it was without food in it's stomach . Kinda hope to find a shad or something to get a size off . It did have 2 egg sacks in it , so it was a female hybrid . Did all your fish come from trolling ? I got lucky last week when MGB snagged bottom and got one casting but it set itself free at the boat . What a thrill to have one slam it with rod in hand . Thanks for the report .
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We did not do as good as Predator and Tommygun but we did boat two wipers and one walleye. Take a look at this hog. How big was that big wiper you caught Predator?
Hey Predator, I think you drove right by us as you were leaving, we were in the parking lot putting Fishcrazy's boat cover on, he has a tracker with a white Bronco pulling it. I told Mike(fishcrazy), that you had a smokercraft just like that but I had no idea it was you, or was it? WH2
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[cool] Nice fish! Looks like you guys had some serious fun!
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[#0000a0][size 2]We had two fish over 19". The first fish was at least 4lbs. I think the second was very close too. [/size][/#0000a0]
[#0000a0][size 2] I would love to catch some smallies the same size. These guys here only fought when they saw the boat. A smallmouth would most likey be digging the whole way. Then again, they had no chance with 80lb spyderwire(just kidding, I was using 10lb vanish).[/size][/#0000a0]
[#0000a0][size 2] I bought a couple of prism shad this morning. They pretty much did it all for us. We anchored in the middle of the lake and just whistled for the fish to come nearby. We then proceed to cast at the bubbles and the rest was history[ ].[/size][/#0000a0]
[#0000a0][size 2] I didn't almost fall out of the boat. Predator pushed me from behind and....I almost went swimming. You see I was kicking his ass so bad he had to resort unsavory tactics. [/size][/#0000a0]
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Very nice Tomegun and Predator! I'm green with envy! But now, Tommy I ain't that stupid dude, yeah you limited out for sure, and hadda throw some back for me. LOL!
Heee haaaaawwwww let's rock -n-roll! I can't wait for tomorrow morning! Yeeeeeeeeoooooooowwwwww!!!!
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With all these fine pics I got one to add from last week . A 21" wiper . My biggest so far . I only been out 2 times in a boat after them and I am hooked for sure now .
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The big one in the picture was 20 inches plus and weighted 4lbs 5 oz. Last year the same fish would have weighted no more than 3lbs, these fish sure fattened up over the winter. We were using the producer for the wipers and a walleydiver for the eye, water temp was 61 to 63*. That big wiper made the reel scream and fought all the way in. Hey Tomegun, were you in Mikes boat today? Oh yea, one last thing, we started marking schools of baby shad today. WH2
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O.K. Predator
fessup those were only two fish that you and tommygun took pictures of in different of the bay[  ]. I know that are not, it look like you two had a real fun day at Willard today. I myself have never fished for Wiper, so is there any hints that I can get and used form shore, I am also boatless. This last part is for anybody who has some heplful hints.
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Back at it again today, (saturday). Went out at 11:00 was on the water and fishing around 11:30
Got six wipers and lost one due to a stupid mistake in three hours of fishing. Pulled them in and left around 2:30pm.
It wasnt red hot, but six fish in three hours is not too bad.
BLM, and polo were out there, old coot and a friend, surf dog-walleye-glasseye-icono-paul too.
Probably some others, and just didnt know it.
Gotta go, or I would make a real post for you all to enjoy, but I am in a hurry at the moment.
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I took the pontoon out on the water today , but only managed 2 small cats . Seen BLM and Polokid at the ramp . Only good bite for me was the [size 1]Mosquitoes[/size] .
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Great report! Nice Fish! To bad all didnt fair as well though.. But hey,, its means there might be one in there for me when I get there.
Btw,, just before he took the dip what cologne was tomeguns splashin on?? I think it may have made the difference and could be used on the lures[cool]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]You missed the best picture of them all! Tomegun swimming back to the boat! HA! I hate when that happens.[/size][/font]