06-09-2004, 08:42 PM
The DEP tells us that 3-15lb. trout can be had at Wonoscopomic,East twin,Candlewood,Crystal,Highland,West Hill,Uncas. Lg mouth Bassshould be more active with this heat wave, try Candlewood,Mamanasco,Crystal,Wonoscopomoc,Bantom,Quonnipaug.Lake of Isles, Haywood, Lillinonah,Mudge,Babcock.[My faverite Moodus Res.] Smallmouth try Candlewood [5lb3oz.] ,Bantam,Highland. Stripers are all the way up to the Mass. border. Try trolling tubes and worm. Pike and shad appear to be slowing down some. Good luck on where ever you go.