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Lake X report
All I can say is OOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!! I found my new small mouth bass heaven!!!! They were hitting great and my smallest one was 14". Got there about 3:30 fished from shore for a while and landed 10-15 footballs, also fooled around with the perch for a bit. Caught the biggest, fattest smallie I ever saw in my life. Unfortanetly I was alone so no one to take my picture but I tried to do it myself, LOL. Set the timer on the camera and prayed, ended up cutting off half the fish and I didn't even set the measuring tape in the right position, LOL. That puppy measured 18-20" awesome battle.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5060;]

At about 6:30 a boat pulled in to the cove I was fishing. We exchanged greetings and I told him of my success and he invited me to join him. We pulled out and caught about 20 to 30 more fat chunky footballs. It was a blast. Thank you John. If you ever see this guy (John) on the water give him a big BFT hello and commend him on his kindness.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5062;]

One of the best trips I had yet this season!!! I Love It!!

Heres the "runt" of the day 14 1/2 - 15".

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5059;]
Nice report! Congrats on the nice fish. They are sure fun fighters! So were you originally fishing from shore?
Very nice! I wished I was there... but nooooooooo, my wife wanted me to drag her over to strawberry days festivities so I hadda go to Deer Creek for 45 minutes to smack those ultra small smallies compared to your footballs....

I am definitely getting out there perhaps friday or saturday to that Lake X. Of course I recognized the area from the backgrounds of your photos, so I know that honeyhole from anywhere!
Sounds like heaven to me also, way to go!!
Were you using Senkos? If so, how were you rigging them?

Also, were you fishing that flooded oak brush thats in the background of the picture or were you on rocky shoreline? I've tried fishing that oak brush a lot, but I've always found more smallies in the rocks. It'd be cool if they've moved into those areas, they're easier for me to get to in my canoe.
They were hitting everything, Paddlebugs, tubes and Senkos. Missed alot of fish with the senkos. The rocky shoreline was the ticket.
Nice job Al. That may end up my destination on saturday. I need to go somewhere. Lake X looks pretty good to me.

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