06-18-2004, 04:38 PM
Hi all, Here's the report I promised. As usual, can't go on a fishing/hunting trip without something happening. Fished the Gorge with Sparky, my friend and his dog at the "Confluence" 6-14 to 17 and caught 2 zillion bass. The majority ranged from about 10 1/2 to just over 12 inches and about half a dozen just over 13 inches. Nothing big but a lot of fun. Lost a couple bigger. Had fish every night, sometimes with steak, yum! Fished from the tube and from shore. Used my new fish finder and again it worked well, too well. Kept locating fish but no bits!? Had better success just fishing known spots close to shore. The deeper water fish I was seeing weren't interested. Water temp. was 59-63 degrees and day temp. was about 80. Of those that were cleaned for eating, 60% had eggs. Considering some being males leads me to believe that they haven't spawned. Used 3 in. pulse worms and small curly tails on a 1/32 oz. jig. Saw antelope, sage grouse, pelican, ducks, ducklings and very few people. My friend had to leave the day before and when I got up to leave yesterday found I had a dead battery. Had left the ignition switch on from the day before. Nobody around for a jump and the likely hood of any one coming down was slim. Went to use my cell phone and low battery message, #@**#. Just enough to make one call to my wife and it died. To make things worse, it started to rain and it rained all day. Gat the idea to get my 12 volt fish finder battery and hook it up to my car battery and try. Not enough umph. But I was able to hook up my cell phone charger and get the cell phone working. Eventually got a ranger down to give me a jump. Found out latter, my wife had told them the wrong area (Antelope Flats) and a ranger got stuck in the mud looking for me. Oh well, as the ranger that found me says, no problem, that's what are tax dollars are for. Doesn't stop me from feeling dumb and embarrassed. [