06-28-2004, 07:40 PM
[font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#000000][size 2]MILWAUKEE, WI —The yellow perch season recently opened on Wisconsin's Lake Michigan and tributary waters, with a daily bag of five fish and no minimum length limit. [/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#000000][size 2]The season has been closed for all of May and half of June since 2002 to limit the harvest of sexually mature females just before spawning, when they're found in the near shore and are most vulnerable to harvest. [/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#000000][size 2]Department of Natural Resources spawning assessments show the regulations protect the spawning yellow perch. Netting conducted from 1984 through 2004 reflect that spawning typically begins as early as May 27, peaks during the first week in June, and is largely done by June 15. [/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#000000][size 2]For more information contact: Brad Eggold, (414) 382-7921 or Bill Horns: (608) 266-8782. [/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#000000][size 2]The season has been closed for all of May and half of June since 2002 to limit the harvest of sexually mature females just before spawning, when they're found in the near shore and are most vulnerable to harvest. [/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#000000][size 2]Department of Natural Resources spawning assessments show the regulations protect the spawning yellow perch. Netting conducted from 1984 through 2004 reflect that spawning typically begins as early as May 27, peaks during the first week in June, and is largely done by June 15. [/size][/#000000][/font]
[font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][#000000][size 2]For more information contact: Brad Eggold, (414) 382-7921 or Bill Horns: (608) 266-8782. [/size][/#000000][/font]