07-19-2004, 02:40 PM
I took my 12 year old daughter and her friend on the three mile hike into round lake to catch some grayling. I was quite surprised to see how much water is up there right now, the river is running very high and the water level around the lakes is higher than I have ever seen it. The hike about did the girls in but once they started fishing, they forgot all about their aches and pains. Round lake had so much water spilling out, it was difficult to get close enough to the shoreline so we kept going on up to sand lake. Conditions were much better there and the fishing was awesome. The girls caught tons of grayling on mosquitos and renegades, they would either have a fish or at least a bite on almost every cast.
Be prepared for the weather, It rains a lot up there and still gets cold enough to see your breath. It rained lightly almost the entire time we were up there.
Be prepared for the weather, It rains a lot up there and still gets cold enough to see your breath. It rained lightly almost the entire time we were up there.