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No luck at Willard 8-14-04
I drove out to the light pole last evening to try some shore fishing. I did take a float tube but never got it wet. Just waded and casted. I was hoping to be in the right place at the right time come sunset, but that didn't happen and I didn't get a bite. Used a white Producer mostly and the occasional pencil popper when I'd see a Wiper hit the surface within my casting range.

No "W" to speak of so the water was fairly flat. Trollers started picking up a few at sunset. They didn't look like they were picking any up prior to that. Lots of little shad schools making the water ripple around the edges. I did spot one area with my bino's at sunset at around mid lake with both fish and birds actively surface feeding. I suppose you could call it a Willard Wiper boil, but I still have a hard time calling them "boils" after years of fishing Striper boils at Lake Mead. The activity went on for quite some time. None of the boaters noticed it so it didn't get fished.
Fishing from shore is tough this time of the year but it will improve in another month or so, the last few years I haven't seen what I would call a boil until October. Thanks for the report, I hope you get into them next time. WH2

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