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Strawberry/Soldier 10/13-15
Camped and Boated from Aspen grove over the weekend. 2 famlies, 5 kids, 3 could fish,. Mad house from the beginning.
Traditional late start, off the Valley floor at 4pm. (Only dad thinks this is late, only dads took off from work at 2pm to "Get right on the road"). Stop at my brother in laws house at 4:40 on our delayed schedule to get the boat hooked up and find the spare tire is flat. NOt to worry Burt Brothers right off the Silver Summit exit can fix anything. They find a bad valve and we are on our way. The pull to Heber is easy and I was to meet the wife and my son at the Smiths on the edge of town, she had gone ahead to do the shopping.. I fuel the boat and truck with hightest grab some more ice. The road to heber is not crowded and the speed limit is the ride all the way to Aspen grove.

My friends girlfriend had made reservations on line and check in was to "Just drive down and set up, someone would be along." It was a great night, we went Craw daddin but thats another story.
Rest weary travelers, for tomorrow we fish.
5:30, I'm up, as I am every morning, wake up AK and launch the boat as the sun is just giving enough light, cruising slowly we begin to mark fish in 40' at 28 to 32 deep. not having any down riggers we try to get our lures down to the magic depth we try trolling sinkers up to 3 oz with no luck. Rapalas, flatfish, kokanee killers, wedding rings with worms, powerbait, and eggs. Nothing, trolled around marking fish at that depth out to 100' all morning and nothing.
Sunday morning, More of the same.

The Lake has turned over and is in a very alge stage. I would stay away till the end of Sept when it clears up
Thanks for the report Troll, sounds like some good get away time, even if the catching was slow. So whats the story behind your statement"We went Craw daddin but thats another story"? WH2
Read my Crawdaddin post. It was such an adventure I thought It should have it's own thread.

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