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Tibble Fork Reservoir 09/17
Fished for little over 3 hours and picked up 30 fish. 25 Rainbows ranging from 8-14 inches and 5 Browns the biggest being 15 inches and fat as can be. The browns were staging near the inlets and I even had one squirt its load on me when I was removing the hook. Tried using my fly rod but the wind was rediculous. So I went back to my ultra-light and got back to hooking em.

I used mainly a florescent yellow spoon but wanted to test the waters the last hour so I switch to a bright fire/tiger colored mepps. Caught one, then I switched to a small deep running Rapala with rainbow colored pattern. I wanted to try and pick off some of the bigger ones that were on the bottom in the deep. Worked. Finished with a 13 inch Rainbow. All bows were planters. They are eating everything up there. Good times.

I saw alot of browns there. Picky eaters.
I was there too. I think I saw you leave. A pontoon? I caught one 12" Brown and a bunch of Rainbows (8-13") on flies behind a bubble.
What fly were they hittin'? I was also there with my fly rod from shore, but I only got two. My buddy got two as well with a gold spinner. I got mine on nymphs.
I caught some on a renegade but most on a captain. I fished there once before when the browns were really hitting in the mouth of the inlet after dark. But, I couldn't stay late last night.
Dang, renegade wouldn't do it for me. Had one hit it, but that was it. Picky fish[mad]

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