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Has anyone fished Deer Creek lately ?
Just looking for a Deer Creek fishing report??
I drove by it on the way to strawberry for the muzzle loader hunt last thursday morning, the lake was like glass, except for all the 2-3 foot circles from rising fish, I was mad I didn't have my pole with me.
In other words, "The CARP Were Surface Swimming" - unfortunately the Gold Fish population has gotten out of control at this lake. The little carp do make good forage for the walleye but do little else.
Fished the Wallsburg arm last Saturday for 1 1/2 hours in the morning. Had numerous bites but was only able to reel in two rainbows, both close to 18". I was using rainbow Powerbait on a sliding sinker rig, with about a 24" leader.

Hey Bassleg,

I took my 6 year old son trolling for walleyes this afternoon/evening, I didn't score a bite using lindy rigs and bottom bouncers with crawler harnesses. But my son most certainly did! He was using panther martin spinner on a ultra light ugly stik and scored four rainbows. My son was very thrilled to be catching them while wind drifting on my boat out by the "island". It was a very nice afternoon drifting around the lake.

I suspect the walleyes are in the transition to the water temp. Water temp was 60 degree, so maybe thermocline is on the change.
Thanks for the fishing report, sounds like your son out fished ya
that's one trip he wont forget.

tight lines ... Bassleg

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