10-30-2004, 12:41 PM
halloween is just a day away , and the trick or treaters will soon be ringing your doorbell .
so watcha handing out ? there are several options in the candy department , but with a growing number of mentally unstable people in todays society , not all parents will let the goodies go unchecked before being enjoyed by the treat beggers .
at our household we practice a detailed inspection of all the goodies before the kids take to eating them . as for our part to promote a safe halloween we have decided to pass out things other than candy and at the same time promote my fishing hobby .
i am handing out fishing stuff . nothing with hooks or lead . fishing bobbers , hook removers , and bft hook safes are sure to be a hit with the kids , anything safe that can go into a junior anglers tackle box .
hey , the candy only lasts so long before it's gone . that fishing stuff will last all year and hopefully will live on in the trick or treaters memory for a lifetime .
a good and safe halloween to you and yours this weekend , your pal , lonehunter .
so watcha handing out ? there are several options in the candy department , but with a growing number of mentally unstable people in todays society , not all parents will let the goodies go unchecked before being enjoyed by the treat beggers .
at our household we practice a detailed inspection of all the goodies before the kids take to eating them . as for our part to promote a safe halloween we have decided to pass out things other than candy and at the same time promote my fishing hobby .
i am handing out fishing stuff . nothing with hooks or lead . fishing bobbers , hook removers , and bft hook safes are sure to be a hit with the kids , anything safe that can go into a junior anglers tackle box .
hey , the candy only lasts so long before it's gone . that fishing stuff will last all year and hopefully will live on in the trick or treaters memory for a lifetime .
a good and safe halloween to you and yours this weekend , your pal , lonehunter .