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Ice Spud Bar?
I've been reading the new and even the old ice posts and keep coming across something called a ICE SPUD BAR. Sounds like a pole with a strong metal tip on it or something. Am I guessing right or am I way off? Would also like to take the time to thank everyone for all the little tricks and advice that have been shared. Hopefully can try a few of them this morning on the ice.
todays standard is a metal pole with a peice of high carbon steel with a wedge shape ground to it welded to the bottom of the pole. a short peice of pipe is welded on the top of the pole to make a capitol T. A lenth of safty rope is threaded through the short part so you can rap that around your rist when you are chopping your hole through the ice. (correct term is spudding a hole)

Welcome to Bigfishtackle. glad you are enjoying the info shared here, be sure to let us know how the ice fishing is going up your way...
They're supposed to come with a rope? Hmmm. I need to figure out how to attach a rope to the cheap one I have. No holes in it for a rope to attach to.

Rope, knots, and super glue... here I come!
about 15-20 inch peice of nylon rope, just enough to rap around your rist so when breaking through the hole should the spud come loose from your hand the dosnt go sailing to the bottom of the lake.
Thanks. Just gotta figure out the best way to fasten it to the T handle on the bar.
Thanks for the reply. I problably wouldn't have thought of the rope either. Lost two fish Saturday when the jig hooked the bottom of the hole and the fish got off. Guess I should have asked sooner. About six inches of clear ice here in Utah this weekend and was cold but fun. Love to watch the fish under the ice as you bring them up. Even had a couple of fish swim just under the ice inbetween my brother and I while watching our poles.
run the rope thorugh the hole on the "T" part of the handle and tie a square knot with the two ends.

if you dont have a hole through your "T" you can drill about an inch below the weld of the "T" you dont need a vary big rope.
we had that here a couple years ago just before christmas then it melted away. was eerie to walk on especaily when we have several rivers and springs dumping in to the lake.

it felt like any second we were going to go splash.

that was when I first saw him!!!! but not first when I had hold of him. A DUCK EATING PIKE. (a pike who has been eating ducks for a number of summers) I still bear the scars of our first encounter. he won to say the least. I did get hold of him one time last winter, I will see if I can find the report and provide you a link...

the best part about a rope on your spud is if you should drop it through the ice you can retreive it next time your out with about 50 pound test line and a heavy jig with trebble hooks. you can snag the rope and pull it back up and save yourself 15-50 fishbacks...
[center]Link ->> [url ";search_string=HOT%20DAM%21%20;#108487"][size 1][#000000][b]HOT DAM![/b] [/#000000][/size][/url]<<- Link[/center] [center] [/center] [center]this is the link to the encounter I had last season with vary little exaguration if any [angelic][/center]

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