05-18-2001, 11:37 PM
G'day to all Californian anglers and those that have an interest fishing the state.<br><br>Just a brief note to let you know who I am, and where I am located here, at the BFT Boards. <br><br>Yep, you can find us at the Baits & Lures Board where we plan to talk up a storm on all aspects of baits, lures, jigs, jig flies, soft baits, hard baits, heavy jigs up to 48 oz's, strip baits, dead baits, live baits, glow in the dark heads, bladed lures for Wahoo, hooks, night time tackle for Tuna, Halibut tackle, jigs for White Sea Bass, trolling rigs & tricks, vertical lure spreads, vinyl squid body lures, long shank circle hooks, long range boat trips and more. <br><br>Also look forward to listening, learning and talking with all global anglers about their tackle needs. So call in and drop us note about the fishing season. <br><br><br><br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve<br>The Master Jig Builder<br>Lures/Baits Moderator<br>