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Big fish at Scofield?
I fished Scofield on Friday of last week. I fished near the boat ramp in the dam outlet channel and must have caught over 30 fish. However, they were all between 12 and 14 inches, and all were rainbows. I have caught larger fish at that spot before, but it has been a couple of years. I also used to catch a few cutthroats there as well, but haven't caught one of those in 3 years. Is there someplace else on Scofield where one can go to catch some larger fish, or a few Cutthroats?
The story I heard was the DWR planted a bunch of smaller trout in the location you were fishing. The bigger fish don't seem to be in any one location be you can catch them and the cutthroat just about anywhere. Some of the guys like to move around others stay in the same spot all day and do good but don't expect to catch any large number of bigger fish or cutts. WH2
[cool]Fishdude, you bring up an interesting topic. Earlier this fall the DWR planted a bunch of little bow's in about Oct, I believe right near the dam. Somebody gave a report on their early season ice about a month ago when they were fishing in that area and all they caught were the little guys. I'm not quite sure if you are referring to that area next to the dam, or if you are referring to the area most people call "the shacks" which is right at the point where the dam channel joins the main lake. If this is the area you are referring to, I know it pretty well, and have had a lot of success there.

I'm going to copy and paiste below my thoughts on the smaller fish this year that I posted last week on the DWR website:

Scofield definitely does not have as big of fish this year. I did see some old fart in the paper last summer that caught a 10 pound bow in there, so supposedly, there are still some big ones in there. When I went two weeks ago with CBR when we were all scattered around for a bit, I had something on that broke my line when I went to set the hook, but the biggest one I landed was about 16 inches. Most of the ones I caught were about 13-14 inch range. The fish do seem smaller this year, and I don't know if that's from people during the summertime taking everything home they caught, or if it's from the drought killing some off, but they definitely are smaller on the whole this year.

Scofield is what it is to me, and that is a great place for first ice of the year. The ice fishing is usually best from Thanksgiving till about now, and then it's slow the rest of the winter, because of all of the massive pressure during the first month of ice on, etc. I like hitting Scofield during the first month of ice on, because it's fun, first lake with ice (besides Hunington) and you can take home 4 fish for the table. In years past w/new regs at the berry, you don't always get a fish for the table.

Now is the time of year that I usually hit Strawberry only for trout, because it has the bigger ones, and now is when it has safe ice in a lot of areas. By the way, the new regs are working GREAT. The fish are noticeably bigger up there this year, so those of you following the rules, you are to be commended [Image: icon_cool.gif] , and those of you who keep fish in the slot, or more than one fish over 22 inches...these rules are for your benifit too so please concider following them!!!!
geoff strong last word there i love it buddy when are we going to hit it again i have my sonar ready for the ice and it works great
[cool]Thanks, Mike. Sounds like you and CBR had a good time on the berry today, but the fishing was a bit slower than when we hit it a week ago? Did any of you guys lose any biggies today? THat new sonar sounds great! Now we don't have to measure the hard way how deep we are, eh? I need to get out there soon, but I'm heading to St. George to visit my granny, so I think next weekend is out for me, unless she isn't better by Thursday. I'll let ya know. For SURE I can go on Saturday Jan. 8th, so if you can go that day, let's hit Strawberry, or we can go for big Perch at Echo or maybe Rockport, or Mantua. I think it will be frozen by then. Let me know if you and/or CBR wanna go that day somewhere!

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