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Ice fishing
Hi, my brother called me and said my sister in law wants to go ice fishing. I need to know a place that is close by, where we will catch some fish. She is fighting cancer right now, so we cant drive to far, she doesn't have the energy, but any fish should make her happy. What has been hot?
Where do you live, and how far would be best?
She lives on 3300s and wasatch. So anything within an hour to an hour and a half should work.
That's a bit harder. I guess if you have snow machines I would recomend Lost Creek, other wise it's a hike to get down to water edge. That will be the problem with most of the local waters. From the look of the post Echo nor Rockport have frozen yet. That leaves you with Strawberry and/or schofiled. You wouldn't have to walk very far to get on ice but the might be a bit farther then you want to drive.

Sorry about the miss information I just noticed that some people have been fishing echo so that would be the best place to go. Not too bad of a hike to get to ice. Wide varitey of fish also.

Sorry to hear about your sister in law. It seems like we are making huge advances when it comes to cancer but that doesn't help when immediate loved ones are concerned and they are in a bad way.
I would try the marina side of Rockport or East Canyon. They are both easy access but need a fee paid for use. You would need to go to the Henefer side of East Canyon to get to the reservoir because the Emigration Canyon side is closed for the winter. Anyway, those two are relatively easy access for someone who is limited physically but can still get to and hopefully catch some fish.

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