01-28-2005, 03:45 AM
[ul][li][#006600]Meat from an alligator, snapping or softshell turtle (5-8 lber) [/#006600] [li][#006600]6 large taters [/#006600] [li][#006600]1 onion [/#006600] [li][#006600]1 bag carrots [/#006600] [li][#006600]1 can corn [/#006600] [li][#006600]1 can beef or chicken stock [/#006600][/li][/ul] [center] [/center][#006600]Cut turtle meat into small pieces(1/2 by 1/2"). Brown meat in bacon grease, Cut veggies up, (large chunks). Put everything in dutch oven and cover with water. Bury in fire pit with coals. Go fishing. After about 8 hrs. Dig out and dig in...[/#006600]